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Finding largest subset of points forming a convex polygon

I'm looking for an algorithm for finding largest subset of points (by largest i mean in number) that form a convex polygon from the given set of point. I think this might be solvable using DP but i'm not sure. Is it possible to do this in O(n^3) ? Actually i just need the size of the largest subset, so it doesn't need to have unique solution

Edit :

just to keep this simple,

Given input : a set of points in 2D

Desired output : maximum number of points that form a convex polygon, like in the example the output is 5 (ABHCD is one of the possible convex polygon)

an example

There's a similar problem spoj.com/problems/MPOLY which is solvable using DP in O(N^3), my question is about the generalization of that problem which doesn't have to contain (0,0)

like image 258
zeulb Avatar asked Feb 14 '14 11:02


People also ask

How do you find the extreme points of a convex polygon?

The extreme point can be easily recognized by analyzing the locations of its two immediate neighbors. If A is our candidate point and P and N are its adjacent points in the polygon (previous and next), then A is an extreme point iff both P and N lie on the same side of observer-to-A line.

How many points are required to form a convex hull?

These four points form a convex quadrilateral, and all points that lie in this quadrilateral (except for the four initially chosen vertices) are not part of the convex hull. Finding all of these points that lie in this quadrilateral is also O(n), and thus, the entire operation is O(n).

How do you find the convex hull of a set?

Put P0 at first position in output hull. 2) Consider the remaining n-1 points and sort them by polar angle in counterclockwise order around points[0]. If the polar angle of two points is the same, then put the nearest point first. 3 After sorting, check if two or more points have the same angle.

1 Answers

I think I came up with an algorithm for it by extending Andrew's algorithm for convex hulls.

Originally, I came up with a O(N^4) algorithm, but noticed was way over-complicating it and brought it down to O(N^2) algorithm. It seems like there maybe a bug in the code somewhere that causes issues in at least the case of a vertical line of points. It might be a special case (requiring changing a few lines of code), or a sign of a larger flaw in the algorithm. If it's the latter, then I'm inclined to say it's NP-hard, and offer the algorithm as a heuristic. I've spent all the time I care to coding and debugging it. In any case it seems to work fine in other cases. However, it's difficult to test for correctness when the correct algorithms seem to be O(2^N).

def maximal_convex_hull(points):
    # Expects a list of 2D points in the format (x,y)

    points = sorted(set(points)) # Remove duplicates and sort
    if len(points) <= 1: # End early
        return points

    def cross(o, a, b): # Cross product
        return (a[0] - o[0]) * (b[1] - o[1]) - (a[1] - o[1]) * (b[0] - o[0])

    # Use a queue to extend Andrew's algorithm in the following ways:
    # 1. Start a new convex hull for each successive point
    # 2. Keep track of the largest convex hull along the way
    Q = []
    size = 0
    maximal_hull = None
    for i,p in enumerate(points):
        remaining = len(points) - i + 1
        new_Q = []
        for lower, upper in Q: # Go through the queue
            # Build upper and lower hull similtanously, slightly less efficent
            while len(lower) >= 2 and cross(lower[-2], lower[-1], p) < 0:
            while len(upper) >= 2 and cross(upper[-2], upper[-1], p) > 0:

            new_size = len(lower) + len(upper)
            if new_size > size: # Check for a new highest maximal convex hull
                size = new_size
                maximal_hull = (lower, upper)

        # There is an odd bug? that when one or both if statements are removed
        #  xqg237.tsp (TSPLIB) gives slightly different solutions and is
        #   missing a number of points it should have.
        #  Seems like if the opposite should be true if anything since they
        #   were intended to be easy optimizations not required code.
            if remaining + new_size >= size: # Don't bother if not enough
                new_Q.append((lower, upper)) # Add an updated convex hulls
        if remaining > size: # Don't bother if not enough
            new_Q.append(([p], [p])) # Add a new convex hull
        Q = new_Q # Update to the new queue

    # Extract and merge the lower and upper to a maximium convex hull
    # Only one of the last points is ommited because it is repeated
    #    Asserts and related variables used for testing
    #    Could just have "return lower[:-1] + list(reversed(upper[:-1]))[:-1]"
    lower, upper = maximal_hull
    max_hull_set = set(lower) | set(lower) | set(upper)
    lower = lower
    upper = list(reversed(upper[:-1]))[:-1]
    max_convex_hull = lower + upper
    assert len(lower) + len(upper) == len(max_hull_set)
    assert max_hull_set == set(max_convex_hull)
    return max_convex_hull

Edit: This algorithm isn't correct, but it served as inspiration for the correct algorithm and thus I'm leaving it here.

like image 120
Nuclearman Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10
