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Finding consecutive bit string of 1 or 0



How to find the length of the longest consecutive bit string(either 1 or 0)?

00000000 11110000 00000000 00000000 -> If it is 0 then length will be 20

11111111 11110000 11110111 11111111 -> If it is 1 then length will be 12

like image 821
bithacker Avatar asked Jul 21 '10 23:07


People also ask

Which program contains the string of 0's and 1's?

(The "bi" in "binary" means two.) Everything in the computer is represented by this binary code. Every picture, movie, sound, and program that you use in a computer is just a string of 0s and 1s.

How do you find consecutive 1s in binary in Python?

Step 1: input the number. Step 2: use one counter variable c=0. Step 3: Count the number of iterations to reach i = 0. Step 4: This operation reduces length of every sequence of 1s by one.

1 Answers

The following is based on the concept that if you AND a bit sequence with a shifted version of itself, you're effectively removing the trailing 1 from a row of consecutive 1's.

      11101111   (x)
    & 11011110   (x << 1)
      11001110   (x & (x << 1)) 
        ^    ^
        |    |
   trailing 1 removed

Repeating this N times will reduce any sequence with N consecutive 1's to 0x00.

So, to count the number of consecutive 1's:

int count_consecutive_ones(int in) {
  int count = 0;
  while (in) {
    in = (in & (in << 1));
  return count;

To count the number of consecutive 0's, simply invert and the same routine.

int count_consecutive_zeros(int in) {
  return count_consecutive_ones(~in);

Proof of concept: http://ideone.com/Z1l0D

int main(void) {
  printf("%d has %d consecutive 1's\n", 0, count_consecutive_ones(0));
  printf("%d has %d consecutive 0's\n", 0, count_consecutive_zeros(0));

  /* 00000000 11110000 00000000 00000000 -> If it is 0 then length will be 20 */
  printf("%x has %d consecutive 0's\n", 0x00F00000, count_consecutive_zeros(0x00F00000));

  /* 11111111 11110000 11110111 11111111 -> If it is 1 then length will be 12 */
  printf("%x has %d consecutive 1's\n", 0xFFF0F7FF, count_consecutive_ones(0xFFF0F7FF));


0 has 0 consecutive 1's
0 has 32 consecutive 0's
f00000 has 20 consecutive 0's
fff0f7ff has 12 consecutive 1's
like image 171
Shawn Chin Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10

Shawn Chin