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Finding closest larger resolution with nearest aspect ratio in an array of resolutions

I have an array:

$resolutions = array(

I want to retrieve closest larger value with the nearest aspect ratio (same orientation).

So, in case of $needle = '768x1280' - 800x1280.
And, in case of $needle = '320x240' - 640x480. While the closest here is 480x640 it shouldn't be matched, because its aspect ratio differs too much. So on, and so forth.


I have a set of images with resolutions as specified in $resolutions. Those images are going to be used for smartphone wallpapers.

With JavaScript, I am sending over a request with screen.width and screen.height to determine $needle.

On the server side, I am going to fetch the closest larger value of the given resolution, scale it down to fit the whole screen while preserving aspect ratio, and if something overlaps the dimensions, crop it to perfectly fit the screen.


While everything is pretty simple with scaling and cropping, I cannot think of a way to find out the closest larger value, to load the reference image.


In case it helps, $resolutions and $needle can be in a different format, ie.: array('width' => x, 'height' => y).


I tried to experiment with levenshtein distance: http://codepad.viper-7.com/e8JGOw
Apparently, it worked only for 768x1280 and resulted 800x1280. For 320x240 it resulted in 480x640 but that does not fit this time.

like image 835
tomsseisums Avatar asked Dec 10 '12 16:12


2 Answers

Try this

echo getClosestRes('500x960');
echo '<br /> try too large to match: '.getClosestRes('50000x960');

function getClosestRes($res){
    $screens = array(


    // if exact match exists return original
    if (array_search($res, $screens[$use])) return $res; 

    foreach ($screens[$use] as $screen){
        if ($s[0]>=$x && $s[1]>=$y) return $screen;
    // just return largest if it gets this far.
    return $screen; // last one set to $screen is largest
like image 82
Popnoodles Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09


Made a quick class. Should competently find the minimum resolution for any two numbers that you specify. I have preloaded it with the resolutions you specified but the $_resolutions array could be set to whichever standards you like, and can also be changed on-the-fly.

class Resolution {

     * Standard resolutions
     * Ordered by smallest to largest width, followed by height.
     * @var array
    private $_resolutions = array(
        array('480', '640'),
        array('480', '800'),
        array('640', '480'),
        array('640', '960'),
        array('800', '1280'),
        array('2048', '1536')

     * Width
     * @var int
    private $_width;

     * Height
     * @var int
    private $_height;

     * Constructor
     * @param  int $width
     * @param  int $height
     * @return void
    public function __construct($width, $height) {
        $this->setSize($width, $height);

     * Find the minimum matched standard resolution
     * @param  bool $revertToLargest (OPTIONAL) If no large enough resolution is found, use the largest available.
     * @param  bool $matchAspectRatio (OPTIONAL) Attempt to get the closest resolution with the same aspect ratio. If no resolutions have the same aspect ratio, it will simply use the minimum available size.
     * @return array The matched resolution width/height as an array.  If no large enough resolution is found, FALSE is returned, unless $revertToLargest is set.
    public function getMinimumMatch($revertToLargest = false, $matchAspectRatio = true) {
        if ($matchAspectRatio) {
            $aspect = $this->_width/$this->_height;
            foreach ($this->_resolutions as $res) {
                if ($res[0]/$res[1] == $aspect) {
                    if ($this->_width > $res[0] || $this->_height >     $res[1]) {
                        return ($revertToLargest ? $res : false);
                    return $res;
        foreach ($this->_resolutions as $i => $res) {
            if ($this->_width <= $res[0]) {
                $total = count($this->_resolutions);
                for ($j = $i; $j < $total; $j++) {
                    if ($this->_height <= $this->_resolutions[$j][1]) {
                        return $this->_resolutions[$j];
        return ($revertToLargest ? end($this->_resolutions) : false);

     * Get the resolution
     * @return array The resolution width/height as an array
    public function getSize() {
        return array($this->_width, $this->_height);

     * Set the resolution
     * @param  int $width
     * @param  int $height
     * @return array The new resolution width/height as an array
    public function setSize($width, $height) {
        $this->_width = abs(intval($width));
        $this->_height = abs(intval($height));
        return $this->getSize();

     * Get the standard resolutions
     * @return array
    public function getStandardResolutions() {
        return $this->_resolutions;

     * Set the standard resolution values
     * @param  array An array of resolution width/heights as sub-arrays
     * @return array
    public function setStandardResolutions(array $resolutions) {
        $this->_resolutions = $resolutions;
        return $this->_resolutions;


Example Usage

$screen = new Resolution(320, 240);
// Returns 640 x 480 (aspect ratio matched)

$screen = new Resolution(1280, 960);
// Returns 640 x 480 (aspect ratio matched)

$screen = new Resolution(400, 960);
// Returns 640 x 960 (aspect ratio not matched, so uses closest fit)

$screen = new Resolution(5000, 5000);
// Returns FALSE (aspect ratio not matched and resolution too large)

$screen = new Resolution(5000, 5000);
// Returns 2048 x 1536 (aspect ratio not matched and resolution too large, so uses largest available)
like image 21
BadHorsie Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
