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finding all regex matches from a pandas dataframe column

i am trying to extract some data from a dataframe, however following query only extract the first match and ignores the rest of the matches, for example if the entire data is:

           0   123 blah blah blah, 456 blah blah blah, 129kfj blah blah
           1   237 blah blah blah, 438 blah blah blah, 365kfj blah blah 

and the regex is:


i want the result to be a new column name "newCol" as:


but the actual result i get is only the first number:


what is wrong here? :(

thank you


thanks to MaxU I found the solution, just couple of suggestions. I had Pandas 0.18.1 so extractall didn't work for me untill i updated pandas to 0.19, so remember to check your pandas version if you have issue with Extractall...second, apply(','.join) didn't work for me because I had some non string values (Null values) and it couldn't handle it so I used Lambda and it finally worked with a small modification of MaxU solution.

x['value'].str.extractall(r'(\d{3})').unstack().apply(lambda x:','.join(x.dropna()), axis=1) 
like image 993
faranak777 Avatar asked Feb 21 '17 22:02


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1 Answers

you can use Series.str.extractall() method:

In [57]: x
0  123 blah blah blah 456 blah blah blah 129kfj blah blah
1  237 blah blah blah 438 blah blah blah 365kfj blah blah

In [58]: x['newCol'] = x['value'].str.extractall(r'(\d{3})').unstack().apply(','.join, 1)

In [59]: x
                                                    value       newCol
0  123 blah blah blah 456 blah blah blah 129kfj blah blah  123,456,129
1  237 blah blah blah 438 blah blah blah 365kfj blah blah  237,438,365


In [77]: x
0  123 blah blah blah, 456 blah blah blah, 129kfj blah blah
1  237 blah blah blah, 438 blah blah blah, 365kfj blah blah

In [78]: x['value'].str.extractall(r'(\d{3})').unstack().apply(','.join, 1)
0    123,456,129
1    237,438,365
dtype: object
like image 169
MaxU - stop WAR against UA Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

MaxU - stop WAR against UA