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Finding all references of a common method name in Visual Studio 2010 for a C# solution

In Visual Studio 2010, if I right-click a method and choose "Find All References", it simply displays use of all methods with the same name rather than use of the method of that actual class.

The solution is C# rather than C++, so I can't find a way to switch to accuracy mode. Also, I cannot simply make the method private or comment it out to generate errors as the method is an override:

public override string ToString() { ... }

Is there any way of finding all uses of a particular class method in a solution without trawling through every single name match (in this case every instance of ToString() in the solution)?

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SharpC Avatar asked Sep 09 '13 10:09


1 Answers

Using Daniel Hilgarth's comment I found a solution: temporarily remove override from the declaration and it will show only references to that classes ToString() rather than the ToString() for all object's.

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Quantic Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09
