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Finding a string in docker logs of container




People also ask

How do I read container logs?

First of all, to list all running containers, use the docker ps command. Then, with the docker logs command you can list the logs for a particular container. Most of the time you'll end up tailing these logs in real time, or checking the last few logs lines.

Can I access the logs of the docker container?

The docker logs command shows information logged by a running container. The docker service logs command shows information logged by all containers participating in a service. The information that is logged and the format of the log depends almost entirely on the container's endpoint command.

this can happen if the container is logging to stderr, piping works only for stdout, so try:

docker logs nginx 2>&1 | grep "127."

"2>&1" will tells the shell to redirect stderr to stdout and give the output to grep using pipe.

As vim fan I prefer to use less and search with /

docker logs nginx 2>&1 | less

docker logs <container_name> 2>&1 | grep <string>

You could also use an anonymous pipe:

docker logs nginx 2> >(grep '127.')

To follow up on the comments and clarify this for anyone else hitting this issue. Here is the simplest way I can see to search an nginx container log.

docker logs nginx > stdout.log 2>stderr.log
cat stdout.log | grep "127."

IMO its kinda messy because you need to create and delete these potentially very large files. Hopefully we'll get some tooling to make it a bit more convenient.

Additionally, I found it usefull to highlight some terms that I'm searching for in the logs. Especially on productive installations where a lot of log output is generated. In my case I want to highlight COUNT(*) statements. But with a simple grep I can't see the entire SQL statement since it's a multi line statement. This is possible with -E switch and some regex:

For example, the following snippet search for all queries that contain COUNT(*) as well as count(*):

docker logs <containerName> -f | grep --line-buffered -i -E --color "select count\(\*\)|$"

Some explanation:

  • docker logs -f tell docker to follow the logs, so the filter applys also to new entrys like when viewing it using tail -f
  • greps --line-buffered switch flushes the output on every line, which is required to grep in real time when docker logs -f is used
  • -E is an extended regex pattern, required to apply our pattern that allow us returning also the non matching results
  • --color highlights the matched parts (seems the default behaviour on my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, but maybe not on other distributions, so I included it here to be safe)
  • * is escaped to disable its special glob functionality, where (, and ) are masked to avoid their regex meaning as group, which is enabled by -E switch

If the container logs to stderr, you can pipe them as Edoardo already wrote for a simple grep:

docker logs <containerName> -f 2>&1 | grep --line-buffered -i -E --color "select count\(\*\)|$"

The -f switch could be omitted if no live grep is wanted. In both cases, you see the entire log buth with highlighted search term like this:

enter image description here