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Find whether a given IP exists in CIDR or not

I am getting the IP address of a user using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] who tries to visit my site. I have different boxes with different IDS and different CIDR entries in my database for each box. I want to check if the user IP exists in any of the CIDR or not for a specific box. If it exists then he is allowed to enter otherwise not. let suppose the user IP is

suppose The CIDR entries for box 12 is

The CIDR entries are stored in a column in database

if he come with an IP that comes inside this range then he should be allowed to enter the site otherwise not. I want to check his ip against each CIDR entry.

Any ideas please?


like image 760
Faryal Khan Avatar asked Apr 20 '12 09:04

Faryal Khan

People also ask

How do I find my CIDR?

Run a network utility such as ipconfig , ifconfig , ip , etc. Look for netmask or Subnet Mask . Common values are 255.255. 255.0 which is CIDR /24 or 255.255.

Is address in CIDR?

CIDR addresses are made up of two sets of numbers: a prefix, which is the binary representation of the network address -- similar to what would be seen in a normal IP address -- and a suffix, which declares the total number of bits in the entire address. For example, CIDR notation may look like: 192.168.

How many IPS are in a CIDR range?

Class A IP addresses range from to , with a default mask of (or /8 in CIDR). This means that Class A addressing can have a total of 128 (27) networks and 16,777,214 (224-2) usable addresses per network.

2 Answers

OK, try following this 5 simple steps...

1. Store your CIDRs into array (read 'em from database; guess you know how to get this)

$cidrs = array(

2. Get user's IP (remote address)

$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

3. Add this function

function IPvsCIDR($user_ip, $cidr) {
  $parts = explode('/', $cidr);
  $ipc = explode('.', $parts[0]);
  foreach ($ipc as &$v)
    $v = str_pad(decbin($v), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
  $ipc = substr(join('', $ipc), 0, $parts[1]);
  $ipu = explode('.', $user_ip);
  foreach ($ipu as &$v)
    $v = str_pad(decbin($v), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
  $ipu = substr(join('', $ipu), 0, $parts[1]);
  return $ipu == $ipc;

4. Compare user's IP address against $cidrs

$validaddr = false;
foreach ($cidrs as $addr)
  if (IPvsCIDR($user_ip, $addr)) {
    $validaddr = true;

5. Decide what to do with user

if ($validaddr) {
else {

That's it!

how this function works. It converts CIDR address-part (x.x.x.x) into binary string and takes first N digits. Then it does same job with user's IP and checks do values match.

Example 2 (complete job from function)

function testUserIP($user_ip, $cidrs) {
  $ipu = explode('.', $user_ip);
  foreach ($ipu as &$v)
    $v = str_pad(decbin($v), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
  $ipu = join('', $ipu);
  $res = false;
  foreach ($cidrs as $cidr) {
    $parts = explode('/', $cidr);
    $ipc = explode('.', $parts[0]);
    foreach ($ipc as &$v) $v = str_pad(decbin($v), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $ipc = substr(join('', $ipc), 0, $parts[1]);
    $ipux = substr($ipu, 0, $parts[1]);
    $res = ($ipc === $ipux);
    if ($res) break;
  return $res;


$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$cidrs = array('', ''); 
if (testUserIP($user_ip, $cidrs)) {
  // user ip is ok
else {
  // access denied
like image 58
Wh1T3h4Ck5 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 09:09


I've been using this function for a while:


 * Returns TRUE if given IPv4 address belongs to given network, FALSE otherwhise
 * @param string $str_ip IP address in '' format
 * @param string $str_range Network and mask as '', '' or ''
 * @return bool
 * @version v2011-08-30
function ip_belongs_to_network($str_ip, $str_range){
    // Extract mask
    list($str_network, $str_mask) = array_pad(explode('/', $str_range), 2, NULL);
    if( is_null($str_mask) ){
        // No mask specified: range is a single IP address
        $mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    }elseif( (int)$str_mask==$str_mask ){
        // Mask is an integer: it's a bit count
        $mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - (int)$str_mask);
        // Mask is in x.x.x.x format
        $mask = ip2long($str_mask);

    $ip = ip2long($str_ip);
    $network = ip2long($str_network);
    $lower = $network & $mask;
    $upper = $network | (~$mask & 0xFFFFFFFF);

    return $ip>=$lower && $ip<=$upper;


Actually all the CIDR entries are in database in my case. How can I check an IP with all tose CIDR entries will a foreach loop can work?

It depends on how many entries you have. A PHP loop is fine for a couple of ranges, but having 50 of them would imply launching 50 SQL queries! In that case, you should probably switch to a database approach. E.g., you could store ranges in two columns (lower IP address and upper IP address). That way, all you need to do would be this:

$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(1) AS belongs_to_at_least_one_range
    FROM ranges
    WHERE :remote_address BETWEEN lower_address AND upper_address
    LIMIT 1';
$params = array(
    'remote_address' => ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']),

(Or fetch all matches if you need that.)

can u please explain this line of code list($str_network, $str_mask) = array_pad(explode('/', $str_range), 2, NULL);

explode('/', $str_range)
// Split the string at `/` characters

array_pad(explode('/', $str_range), 2, NULL);
// Fill with NULLs if we have less than 2 items

list($str_network, $str_mask) =
// Store first part in `$str_network` and second part in `$str_mask`
like image 25
Álvaro González Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

Álvaro González