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Find the unduplicated element in a sorted array

Source : Microsoft Interview Question

Given a sorted array, in which every element is present twice except one which is present single time, we need to find that element.

Now a standard O(n) solution is to do a XOR of list, which will return the unduplicated element (since all duplicated elements cancel out.)

Is it possible to solve this more quickly if we know the array is sorted?

like image 869
Spandan Avatar asked Jun 14 '13 21:06


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1 Answers

Yes, you can use the sortedness to reduce the complexity to O(log n) by doing a binary search.

Since the array is sorted, before the missing element, each value occupies the spots 2*k and 2*k+1 in the array (assuming 0-based indexing).

So you go to the middle of the array, say index h, and check either index h+1 if h is even, or h-1 if h is odd. If the missing element comes later, the values at these positions are equal, if it comes before, the values are different. Repeat until the missing element is located.

like image 52
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Daniel Fischer