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Find the position of a pattern/marker inside a photograph

i need to find a marker like the ones used in Augmented Reality. Like this: alt text I have a solid background on algebra and calculus, but no experience whatsoever on image processing. My thing is Php, sql and stuff.

I just want this to work, i've read the theory behind this and it's extremely hard to see in code for me.

The main idea is to do this as a batch process, so no interactivity is needed. What do you suggest? Input : The sample image. alt text

Output: Coordinates and normal vector in 3D of the marker.

The use for this will be linking images that have the same marker to spatialize them, a primitive version of photosync we could say. Just a caroussel of pinned images, the marker acting like the pin.

The reps given allowed me to post images, thanks.

like image 609
Alfredo Avatar asked Nov 09 '10 17:11


1 Answers

You can always look at the open source libraries such as ARToolkit and see how it works but generally in order to get the 3D coordinates of marker you would need to:

  1. Do the camera calibration.
  2. Find marker in image using local features for example.
  3. Using calibrated camera parameters and 2D coordinates of marker do the approximation the 3D coordinates.

I've never implemented sth similar by myself but I think this is a general concept you should apply on your method.

like image 169
Adi Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11
