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Find the Length of a Song with Pygame


People also ask

Can pygame play WAV?

Pygame can load WAV, MP3, or OGG files. The difference between these audio file formats is explained at http://invpy.com/formats. To play this sound, call the Sound object's play() method. If you want to immediately stop the Sound object from playing call the stop() method.

What is pygame mixer init ()?

mixer pygame module for loading and playing sounds is available and initialized before using it. The mixer module has a limited number of channels for playback of sounds. Usually programs tell pygame to start playing audio and it selects an available channel automatically.

How do you resume a song on pygame?

Temporarily stop playback of the music stream. It can be resumed with the unpause() function. This will resume the playback of a music stream after it has been paused.

I'm building an Radio Automation Program, but I can't figure out how to have a timer countdown the number of seconds left in the song. I'm currently using Pygame and don't really want to load another toolkit just for this. So far I can make a timer count up using this:

import pygame

#setup music
track = "Music/Track02.wav"
print("Playing Music")
    print "\r"+str(pygame.mixer.music.get_pos()),

But I have no idea how to get the total length of the song and countdown without having played the song already.