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Find the count of duplicate items in a C# List




I am using List in C#. Code is as mentioned below:


 public class TestCase
    private string scenarioID;
    private string error;

    public string ScenarioID
            return this.scenarioID;
            this.scenarioID = value;

    public string Error
            return this.error;
            this.error = value;

    public TestCase(string arg_scenarioName, string arg_error)
        this.ScenarioID = arg_scenarioName;
        this.Error = arg_error;

List I am createing is:

private List<TestCase> GetTestCases()
        List<TestCase> scenarios = new List<TestCase>();
        TestCase scenario1 = new TestCase("Scenario1", string.Empty);
        TestCase scenario2 = new TestCase("Scenario2", string.Empty);
        TestCase scenario3 = new TestCase("Scenario1", string.Empty);
        TestCase scenario4 = new TestCase("Scenario4", string.Empty);
        TestCase scenario5 = new TestCase("Scenario1", string.Empty);
        TestCase scenario6 = new TestCase("Scenario6", string.Empty);
        TestCase scenario7 = new TestCase("Scenario7", string.Empty);


        return scenarios;

Now I am iterating through the list. I want to find the how many duplicate testcases are there in a list with same ScenarioID. Is there any way to solve it using Linq or any inbuilt method for List?

Regards, Priyank

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Priyank Thakkar Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 14:03

Priyank Thakkar

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3 Answers

Try this:

var numberOfTestcasesWithDuplicates = 
    scenarios.GroupBy(x => x.ScenarioID).Count(x => x.Count() > 1);
like image 164
Daniel Hilgarth Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10

Daniel Hilgarth

As a first idea:

int dupes = list.Count() - list.Distinct(aTestCaseComparer).Count();
like image 25
Henk Holterman Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10

Henk Holterman

To just get the duplicate count:

int duplicateCount = scenarios.GroupBy(x => x.ScenarioID)
                              .Sum(g => g.Count()-1);
like image 24
BrokenGlass Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10
