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Find text between two tags/nodes

I thought that this would be rather straightforward, but I think the keywords are just too general so I keep getting query results for things like this and this.

Basically, I have the following HTML:

<div id="test">
    <span class="highlighted">ipsum</span>
    dolor sit amet,
    <span class="highlighted">consectetur</span>
    <span class="highlighted">adipiscing</span>
    elit. Sed massa.

I'd like to merge adjacent span tags into a single span tag, which means finding spans with only whitespace between them (this could include spaces, tabs and newlines).

The result I'm looking for is this:

<div id="test">
    <span class="highlighted">ipsum</span>
    dolor sit amet,
    <span class="highlighted">consectetur adipiscing</span>
    elit. Sed massa.

I've examined the nextUntil function, but it seems to only return tags, not text. The result, for example, of




rather than

ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscing

Given two tags, how can I find the text between them?

like image 510
JDB Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 19:07


1 Answers

Dropping down to the DOM lets you see text node contents when checking siblings.

Something like:

function combineSpans(span, nextspan)
  var follower = span.nextSibling;
  var concat = true;

   while (follower != nextspan)
     if (follower.nodeName != '#text')
       concat = false;

     var len = follower.data.trim().length;
     if (len > 0)
       concat = false;

     follower = follower.nextSibling;

  if (concat)
    $(span).text($(span).text() + " " + $(follower).text());

Using this with your HTML in this CodePen.

like image 185
Paul Roub Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10

Paul Roub