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Find substrings in PyMongo

I wanted to find sub-strings within a field in MongoDB using PyMongo.

The following query works fine and is what I require:

db.collection.find({ "Animal": /cat|Dog/i})

However, if I try passing the value /cat|Dog/i as a string in Python, it doesn't work.

Is there a way to replicate the query in PyMongo?

Note: /cat|Dog/i is value of field from another collection. It is in the form 'cat Dog'. Basically, I want to match substrings in one field with substrings in another.

like image 891
Vaulstein Avatar asked Nov 25 '15 15:11


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1 Answers

You need to compile your regular expression pattern using re.compile() function into a regular expression object.

import re

pat = re.compile(r'cat|Dog', re.I)
db.collection.find({ "Animal": {'$regex': pat}})
like image 111
styvane Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
