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Find smallest list of unique n-grams in a list of strings

I have a 50K list of strings (city names) and I need a the smallest list of character tri-grams (prefarably n-grams) where every string is at least hit once by one tri-gram. Consider the following list: ['amsterdam', 'rotterdam', 'haarlem', 'utrecht', 'groningen']

the list of identifying trigrams is 4 long and should be (alternatives possible):

['ter', 'haa', 'utr', 'gro']

I thought my solution finds the correct right answer but it gave the wrong answers when used on other lists.

from collections import Counter

def identifying_grams(list, n=3):

    def f7(seq):
        seen = set()
        seen_add = seen.add
        return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]

    def ngrams(text, n=3):
        return [text[i:i + n] for i in range(len(text) - n + 1)]

    hits = []
    trigrams = []
    for item in list:
      #  trigrams += ngrams(item)
        trigrams += f7(ngrams(item))

    counts = Counter(trigrams).most_common()

    for trigram, count in counts:
        items = []
        for item in list:
            if trigram in item:
        for i in items:


list1 = ['amsterdam','rotterdam','haarlem','utrecht','groningen']
# Good, we get: ['ter', 'haa', 'utr', 'gro']

list2 = ['amsterdam','schiedam']
# Good, we get: ['dam']

list3 = ['amsterdam','schiedam','terwolde','wolstad']
# Ouch, we get: ['ter', 'dam', 'wol']
# this should be ['dam', 'wol'] as this is only 2 trigrams that identify the list...

I got two answers so far, but both of them have flaws. The one from Rupesh is good for lists that are smaller then 10 items. My lists have over 50K items. The one from mujjiga does come up with a solution albeit not the perfect one.

A bounty for the Python Ninja who comes up with a perfect solution that scales. Bonus kuddos if it performs well and gives same solution every time it runs!

like image 881
Jorden van Foreest Avatar asked Mar 13 '19 10:03

Jorden van Foreest

3 Answers

Here's a theoretical analysis of @mujjiga answer:

You can create classes of words that share the same ngram. You want to pick the smallest number of those classes (that is the smallest number of ngrams) that covers the whole set of words. This is the set cover problem. Unfortunately, this problem is NP-hard (not NP-complete , thanks @mujjiga). (EDIT: Hence, there is no known solution that will give you the expected result in a reasonable time.) The greedy algorithm is almost the best solution (see https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/49777/is-greedy-algorithm-the-best-algorithm-for-set-cover-problem).

Note that even the greedy algorithm may give weird results. Take the sets {a, b}, {b, c}, {c, d} and the superset {a, b, c, d}. The three subsets are maxmimum. If you take {b, c} first, you need the two other subsets to cover the superset. If you take {a, b} or {c, d}, two subsets are enough.

Let's use the greedy algorithm, and consider the implementation. The code to create the dictionary that maps ngrams to words is pretty straightforward:

all_words= ['amsterdam','schiedam','werkendam','amstelveen','schiebroek','werkstad','den haag','rotjeknor','gouda']
words_by_ngram = {}
for word in all_words:
    for ngram in (word[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(word)-n+1)):
        words_by_ngram.setdefault(ngram, set()).add(word)

The setdefault is equivalent to get if the key ngram exists, and create an empty set otherwise. This is O(|all_words|*|len max word|) complexity.

Now, we want to take the ngram with the most words and remove those words from the dictionary. Repeat until you get the words you want.

Here's the simple version:

s = set(all_words) # the target
gs = set()
d = words_by_ngram.copy() # for the display
while s:
    # take the the best ngram
    ngram, words = max(d.items(), key=lambda i: len(i[1])) # sort on word count
    # remove the words from the dictionary and delete the ngrams whose words have been already found
    d = {k:v for k, v in ((k, v - words) for k, v in d.items()) if len(v)}
    gs.add(ngram) # add the ngram to the result
    s -= words # remove the words from the target

# check
assert set().union(*[words_by_ngram[g] for g in gs]) == set(all_words)
# display
for g in gs:
    print("{} -> {}".format(g, words_by_ngram[g]))


ams -> {'amstelveen', 'amsterdam'}
gou -> {'gouda'}
wer -> {'werkstad', 'werkendam'}
rot -> {'rotjeknor'}
dam -> {'amsterdam', 'werkendam', 'schiedam'}
sch -> {'schiebroek', 'schiedam'}
den -> {'den haag'}

This second step has a O(|all_words|*|ngrams|) complexity because of the loop to find the max and the update of the dictionary. Hence, the overall complexity is O(|all_words|*|ngrams|)

It is possible to reduce the complexity with a priority queue. Retrieving the best ngram has a cost of O(1), but updating the len of the words mapped to a ngram has a priority O(lg |ngrams|):

import heapq
class PriorityQueue:
    """Adapted from https://docs.python.org/3/library/heapq.html#priority-queue-implementation-notes
    A prority of 1 invalidates the entries
    def __init__(self, words_by_ngram):
        self._d = {ngram:[-len(words), (ngram, words)] for ngram, words in words_by_ngram.items()}
        self._pq = list(self._d.values())

    def pop(self):
        """get the ngram, words tuple with the max word count"""
        minus_len, (ngram, words) = heapq.heappop(self._pq)
        while minus_len == 1: # entry is not valid
            minus_len, (ngram, words) = heapq.heappop(self._pq)
        return ngram, words

    def update(self, ngram, words_to_remove):
        """remove the words from the sets and update priorities"""
        del self._d[ngram]
        ngrams_to_inspect = set(word[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(word)-n+1)
                        for word in words_to_remove)
        for ngram in ngrams_to_inspect:
            if ngram not in self._d: continue
            self._d[ngram][0] = 1 # use the reference to invalidate the entry
            [L, (ngram, words)] = self._d[ngram]
            words -= words_to_remove
            if words:
                self._d[ngram] = [-len(words), (ngram, words)] # new entry
                heapq.heappush(self._pq, self._d[ngram]) # add to the pq (O(lg ngrams))
            else: # nothing left: remove it from dict
                del self._d[ngram]

pq = PriorityQueue(words_by_ngram)
gs = set()
s = set(all_words) # the target
while s:
    # take the the best ngram
    ngram, words = pq.pop()
    gs.add(ngram) # add the ngram to the result
    s -= words # remove the words from the target
    # remove the words from the dictionary and update priorities
    pq.update(ngram, words)

With this code, the overall priority falls to O(|all_words|*|lg ngrams|). That being said, I would be curious to know if this is faster than the naive previous version with you 50k items.

like image 186
jferard Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10


Below is an implementation of the greedy algorithm for set cover. It runs in about half a second on 50,000 English dictionary words on my machine. The output isn't always optimal, but it's often close in practice. You could probably solve your instances to optimality with an external library for integer programming, but I don't know if you want to go in that direction.

The code below dynamically maintains the bipartite graph of ngrams and uncovered texts. The one subtle bit is that, since Python lacks an intrusive heap in its standard library, I've exploited the fact that the keys only increase to fake one. Every ngram is in the heap with a score less than or equal to what it should be. When we pull the minimum, if it is less than it should be, we put it back with the updated value. Otherwise, we know that it's the true minimum.

This code should produce deterministic output. At each step it chooses the lexicographically minimum ngram that covers the maximum number of uncovered texts.

import collections
import heapq

def ngrams_from_text(text, n):
    return {text[i:i + n] for i in range(len(text) - n + 1)}

def greedy_ngram_cover(texts, n):
    neighbors_of_text = {text: ngrams_from_text(text, n) for text in texts}
    neighbors_of_ngram = collections.defaultdict(set)
    for text, ngrams in neighbors_of_text.items():
        for ngram in ngrams:
    heap = [(-len(neighbors), ngram)
            for (ngram, neighbors) in neighbors_of_ngram.items()]
    cover = []
    while neighbors_of_text:
        score, ngram = heapq.heappop(heap)
        neighbors = neighbors_of_ngram[ngram]
        if score != -len(neighbors):
            heapq.heappush(heap, (-len(neighbors), ngram))
        for neighbor in list(neighbors):
            for neighbor_of_neighbor in neighbors_of_text[neighbor]:
            del neighbors_of_text[neighbor]
    return cover

        ['amsterdam', 'rotterdam', 'haarlem', 'utrecht', 'groningen'], 3))
like image 29
David Eisenstat Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

David Eisenstat

Above solution is failing because,

  • Counter is returning trigrams in a not ordered manner, so if you run your solution multiple times, you will get the needed solution also randomly
  • And you are returning the combination as soon as you find it, you are neither going in the order of length nor finding the best combination among all the combinations which satisfies the problem

Here I'm going in the order of least to highest elements contained trigram list, Then returning as soon as I found the solution.

from itertools import permutations

def checkTrigramsPresentInList(trigrams_list,input_list):
    for input_string in input_list:
        flag = False
        for trigram in trigrams_list:
            if trigram in input_string:
                flag = True
        if not flag:
            return False
    return True

def ngrams(text, n=3):
        return [text[i:i + n] for i in range(len(text) - n + 1)]

def identifying_grams(input_list, n=3):
    trigrams = []
    for item in input_list:
        trigrams += ngrams(item)
    len_of_trigrams = len(trigrams)
    trigrams_unique = list(set(trigrams))
    idx =1
    correct_tri_lists = []
    unique_trigrams_list = []
    while idx <= len_of_trigrams:
        trigrams_lists = permutations(trigrams_unique,idx)

        for trigrams_list in trigrams_lists:
            if not trigrams_list in unique_trigrams_list:
                if checkTrigramsPresentInList(list(trigrams_list),input_list):
            ##Uncomment below lines if only one combination is needed
                if correct_tri_lists:
                    return correct_tri_lists
        idx = idx+1

list1 = ['amsterdam','rotterdam','haarlem','utrecht','groningen']
# # Good, we get: ['ter', 'haa', 'utr', 'gro']

list2 = ['amsterdam','schiedam']
# # Good, we get: ['dam']

list3 = ['amsterdam','schiedam','terwolde','wolstad']
like image 39
Rupesh Goud Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Rupesh Goud