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Find Parent Recursively using Query

I am using postgresql. I have the table as like below

parent_id    child_id ---------------------- 101       102 103       104 104       105 105       106    

I want to write a sql query which will give the final parent of input.

i.e suppose i pass 106 as input then , its output will be 103.

(106 --> 105 --> 104 --> 103) 
like image 613
Avadhesh Avatar asked Sep 13 '10 10:09


2 Answers

Here's a complete example. First the DDL:

test=> CREATE TABLE node ( test(>   id SERIAL, test(>   label TEXT NOT NULL, -- name of the node test(>   parent_id INT, test(>   PRIMARY KEY(id) test(> ); NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "node_id_seq" for serial column "node.id" NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "node_pkey" for table "node" CREATE TABLE 

...and some data...

test=> INSERT INTO node (label, parent_id) VALUES ('n1',NULL),('n2',1),('n3',2),('n4',3); INSERT 0 4 test=> INSERT INTO node (label) VALUES ('garbage1'),('garbage2'), ('garbage3'); INSERT 0 3 test=> INSERT INTO node (label,parent_id) VALUES ('garbage4',6); INSERT 0 1 test=> SELECT * FROM node; id |  label   | parent_id  ----+----------+-----------  1 | n1       |            2 | n2       |         1  3 | n3       |         2  4 | n4       |         3  5 | garbage1 |            6 | garbage2 |            7 | garbage3 |            8 | garbage4 |         6 (8 rows) 

This performs a recursive query on every id in node:

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS (  SELECT tn.id, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, tn.id::TEXT AS path   FROM node AS tn   WHERE tn.parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL  SELECT c.id, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth,          (p.path || '->' || c.id::TEXT)   FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c   WHERE c.parent_id = p.id ) SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n ORDER BY n.id ASC; id |  label   | parent_id | depth |    path     ----+----------+-----------+-------+------------  1 | n1       |           |     1 | 1  2 | n2       |         1 |     2 | 1->2  3 | n3       |         2 |     3 | 1->2->3  4 | n4       |         3 |     4 | 1->2->3->4  5 | garbage1 |           |     1 | 5  6 | garbage2 |           |     1 | 6  7 | garbage3 |           |     1 | 7  8 | garbage4 |         6 |     2 | 6->8 (8 rows) 

This gets all of the descendents WHERE node.id = 1:

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS (  SELECT tn.id, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, tn.id::TEXT AS path FROM node AS tn WHERE tn.id = 1 UNION ALL                     SELECT c.id, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth, (p.path || '->' || c.id::TEXT) FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c WHERE c.parent_id = p.id )                                                                 SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n; id | label | parent_id | depth |    path     ----+-------+-----------+-------+------------  1 | n1    |           |     1 | 1  2 | n2    |         1 |     2 | 1->2  3 | n3    |         2 |     3 | 1->2->3  4 | n4    |         3 |     4 | 1->2->3->4 (4 rows) 

The following will get the path of the node with id 4:

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS (  SELECT tn.id, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, tn.id::TEXT AS path   FROM node AS tn   WHERE tn.parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL  SELECT c.id, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth,          (p.path || '->' || c.id::TEXT)   FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c   WHERE c.parent_id = p.id ) SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n WHERE n.id = 4; id | label | parent_id | depth |    path     ----+-------+-----------+-------+------------  4 | n4    |         3 |     4 | 1->2->3->4 (1 row) 

And let's assume you want to limit your search to descendants with a depth less than three (note that depth hasn't been incremented yet):

test=> WITH RECURSIVE nodes_cte(id, label, parent_id, depth, path) AS (   SELECT tn.id, tn.label, tn.parent_id, 1::INT AS depth, tn.id::TEXT AS path    FROM node AS tn WHERE tn.id = 1 UNION ALL   SELECT c.id, c.label, c.parent_id, p.depth + 1 AS depth,           (p.path || '->' || c.id::TEXT)    FROM nodes_cte AS p, node AS c    WHERE c.parent_id = p.id AND p.depth < 2 ) SELECT * FROM nodes_cte AS n;  id | label | parent_id | depth | path  ----+-------+-----------+-------+------   1 | n1    |           |     1 | 1   2 | n2    |         1 |     2 | 1->2 (2 rows) 

I'd recommend using an ARRAY data type instead of a string for demonstrating the "path", but the arrow is more illustrative of the parent<=>child relationship.

like image 80
Sean Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09


Use WITH RECURSIVE to create a Common Table Expression (CTE). For the non-recursive term, get the rows in which the child is immediately below the parent:

SELECT    c.child_id,    c.parent_id FROM    mytable c LEFT JOIN    mytable p ON c.parent_id = p.child_id WHERE    p.child_id IS NULL   child_id | parent_id ----------+-----------       102 |       101       104 |       103 

For the recursive term, you want the children of these children.

WITH RECURSIVE tree(child, root) AS (    SELECT       c.child_id,       c.parent_id    FROM       mytable c    LEFT JOIN       mytable p ON c.parent_id = p.child_id    WHERE       p.child_id IS NULL    UNION    SELECT       child_id,       root    FROM       tree    INNER JOIN       mytable on tree.child = mytable.parent_id ) SELECT * FROM tree;   child | root -------+------    102 |  101    104 |  103    105 |  103    106 |  103 

You can filter the children when querying the CTE:

WITH RECURSIVE tree(child, root) AS (...) SELECT root FROM tree WHERE child = 106;   root ------   103 
like image 32
xn. Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09
