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Find out what HTML elements are forcing the page/block/section to be wide/tall




I am trying to change an HTML page (with lots of CSS). There is a <table> that is 'too wide'. I can't see why it is being wide. One of the subnodes of it must have some sort of width: $A_BIG_NUMBER; css rule that is make it wide, which then propigates up and makes the whole thing wide.

My usual approach is to manually look at all the elements (or ones I think responsible) to try to find this css rule.

Is there an easier way?

like image 867
Amandasaurus Avatar asked May 19 '11 14:05


People also ask

Which elements must always have a specified width or they will expand to the size of the browser window in page layout?

block elements with a width of auto (the default) will always expand to fill the entire width available to them.

What are the block elements in HTML?

Two commonly used block elements are: <p> and <div> . The <p> element defines a paragraph in an HTML document. The <div> element defines a division or a section in an HTML document. The <p> element is a block-level element.

Can we set height and width in block element?

Block element properties: The default width of a block-level element is the length of the page. You can set the height and width of block-level elements in CSS. Block elements are used to organize large sections of the HTML page.

1 Answers

I run into these "mystery" width issues quite a bit - especially when trying to wrangle an open-source theme where I'm not the author of most of the code.

Try adding some wireframes to your CSS. Use this in addition to using a developer web inspector to find the culprit (safari, IE, chrome all now come with developer tools out of the box, firebug for firefox).

body { margin: 30px; }
/* Optional: Add some margin to the body to add space and 
see where your offending elements cross the line */

body * { border: 1px solid red; }
/* add a border to all other elements on the page */

body * { outline: 1px solid red; }
/* Alternate: add an outline  to all elements on the page. Won't effect box model */

div#offending-area * { outline: 1px solid red; }
/* If you've got some idea about where the issue is, drill down further than the body tag */
like image 69
squarecandy Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10
