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Find out name of PL/SQL procedure




Can PL/SQL procedure in Oracle know it's own name?

Let me explain:

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure some_procedure is
    v_procedure_name varchar2(32);
    v_procedure_name := %%something%%;

After %%something%% executes, variable v_procedure_name should contain 'SOME_PROCEDURE'. It is also OK if it contains object_id of that procedure, so I can look up name in all_objects.

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icuric Avatar asked Nov 13 '08 08:11


People also ask

How can I see the procedure code in PL SQL Developer?

You can use the connections tab which is in the left side of sql developer. Show activity on this post. Browse to the connection name in the connections tab, expand the required object and just click, it will open the code in new tab.

What is stored procedure in PL SQL?

A stored procedure in PL/SQL is nothing but a series of declarative SQL statements which can be stored in the database catalogue. A procedure can be thought of as a function or a method. They can be invoked through triggers, other procedures, or applications on Java, PHP etc.

How do you find where a stored procedure is being used in Oracle?

Expand Databases, expand the database in which the procedure belongs, and then expand Programmability. Expand Stored Procedures, right-click the procedure and then click View Dependencies. View the list of objects that depend on the procedure. View the list of objects on which the procedure depends.

2 Answers


v_procedure_name := $$PLSQL_UNIT;

There's also $$PLSQL_LINE if you want to know which line number you are on.

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cagcowboy Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 00:11


If you are pre-10g, you can 'dig' (parse) it out of dbms_utility.format_call_stack Procedures/functions in packages can be overloaded (and nested), so the package name/line number is normally better than the name.

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Gary Myers Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 23:11

Gary Myers