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Find optimal linear fit in a moving window

The task: Find the slope of the best linear fit (e.g., minimize error variance) in a moving window. x values are equidistant, e.g. automatic measurements over time.

The problem: Performance is an issue, because it needs to be repeated for many datasets.

The naive implementation: Loop over the y values.

#some data
x <- 0:(8*60)
y <- -x^2*0.01+x*20+rnorm(8*60+1,mean=300,sd=50)


optWinLinFit0 <- function(x,y,win_length) {
  xfit <- x[seq_len(win_length)]
  xfit <- xfit-min(xfit)
  #regression on moving window
  res <- lapply(seq_len(length(x)-win_length),function(i,x,y) {
    y <- y[seq_len(win_length)+i-1]
    list(y=y,fit = lm.fit(cbind(1,xfit),y))    
  },x=x, y=y)
  #find fit with smallest sigma^2
  winner <- which.min(sapply(res,function(x) 1/(win_length-2)*sum(x$fit$residuals^2)))

  y <- res[[winner]]$y
  #return fit summary and predicted values
res0 <- optWinLinFit0(x,y,180)


The red line gives the fitted values in the position of the moving window, where the error variance is minimal: enter image description here

Any ideas how to do this faster?

like image 913
Roland Avatar asked Oct 21 '22 06:10


2 Answers

You're basically doing a kernel regression. There are lots of functions and packages designed for this: KernSmooth, gam and locfit come to mind. In base R, there is also loess (and lowess, an older version). More broadly, package mgcv does the same thing, but using a different splines-based approach.

For what you're doing, I'd use either gam::gam or mgcv::gam and use finite differences on predictions on a grid. Only the former is based on an actual local regression, but they both answer the question being asked.

I don't see the need to reinvent the wheel. More importantly, using existing packages means that you'll be taking into account issues like bias at the endpoints, and at turning points in the curve (a local linear fit will be biased around a local maximum/minimum); weighting schemes to use; etc. You can also take advantage of the standard tools for model-building and checking, like cross-validation and so on.

like image 143
Hong Ooi Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10

Hong Ooi

The idea is to call lm only once with a matrix of responses. This is faster by a factor of 2, but assumes that y values are non-zero. If zero values are possible, you could check for that and use optWinLinFit0 as a fall-back.

optWinLinFit1 <- function(x,y,win_length) {
  xfit <- x[seq_len(win_length)]
  xfit <- xfit-min(xfit)

  #get all windows of values in one matrix
  mat <- outer(y,rep(1,length(y)))

  mat <- band(mat,k1=0,k2=win_length-1)
  mat <- as.matrix(mat)
  mat <- mat[,-(1:win_length-1)]
  nc <- ncol(mat)
  mat <- matrix(mat[mat!=0],ncol=nc)

  #regression with response matrix
  fit <- lm.fit(cbind(1,xfit),mat)

  #find fit with smallest sigma^2
  winner <- which.min(1/(win_length-2)*colSums(fit$residuals^2))

  y <- mat[,winner]
  #return fit summary and predicted values

#[1] TRUE

# Unit: milliseconds
#                     expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
# optWinLinFit0(x, y, 180) 30.90678 31.73952 31.83930 35.61465 35.90352    10
# optWinLinFit1(x, y, 180) 12.76270 14.70842 15.70562 16.06347 17.41174    10
like image 33
Roland Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10
