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Find objects created in last week in mongo

I have a collection which has a field called timestamp containing date object. I have this query:

       '$lte':new Date(),
       '$gte': //Something to get the last week's date

Also if it is possible, Can I sort these returned documents by length of an array in this document. Here is the schema:

section: String,
title: String,
abstract: String,
url: String,
image: {
    url: String,
    caption: String
    up: [ObjectID],
    down: [ObjectID]
timestamp: Date

I want to sort the returned objects by size of difference of votes.up and votes.down. Right now I am sorting the returned objects in Javascript where this actually returns the data.

like image 384
Ayush Gupta Avatar asked Oct 18 '15 05:10

Ayush Gupta

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To find last object in collection, at first sort() to sort the values. Use limit() to get number of values i.e. if you want only the last object, then use limit(1).

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2 Answers

Seems the solution should look like

    timestamp: {
        $gte: new Date(new Date() - 7 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)
like image 52
Sergey Mell Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Sergey Mell

it will return the previous week data i.e.,from sunday to saturday of previous week which is local where sunday is a starting day.

          $match: {
            createdAt: { 
              $gte: moment().day(-7).toDate(),
               $lt: moment().startOf('week').toDate()
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sai krishna Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

sai krishna