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Find number of binary numbers with certain constraints



This is more of a puzzle than a coding problem. I need to find how many binary numbers can be generated satisfying certain constraints. The inputs are

(integer) Len - Number of digits in the binary number
(integer) x
(integer) y

The binary number has to be such that taking any x adjacent digits from the binary number should contain at least y 1's.

For example -

Len = 6, x = 3, y = 2

0 1 1 0 1 1 - Length is 6, Take any 3 adjacent digits from this and there will be 2 l's

I had this C# coding question posed to me in an interview and I cannot figure out any algorithm to solve this. Not looking for code (although it's welcome), any sort of help, pointers are appreciated

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Arun Avatar asked May 22 '13 06:05


People also ask

How many binary numbers can be represented by 4bits?

With 4 bits, the maximum possible number is binary 1111 or decimal 15. The maximum decimal number that can be represented with 1 byte is 255 or 11111111. An 8-bit word greatly restricts the range of numbers that can be accommodated.

How many binary numbers of length N are possible?

At each position of the string there can only be two possibilities, i.e., 0 or 1. Therefore, the total number of permutation of 0 and 1 in a string of length N is given by 2*2*2*… (N times), i.e., 2^N.

1 Answers

This problem can be solved using dynamic programming. The main idea is to group the binary numbers according to the last x-1 bits and the length of each binary number. If appending a bit sequence to one number yields a number satisfying the constraint, then appending the same bit sequence to any number in the same group results in a number satisfying the constraint also.

For example, x = 4, y = 2. both of 01011 and 10011 have the same last 3 bits (011). Appending a 0 to each of them, resulting 010110 and 100110, both satisfy the constraint.

Here is pseudo code:

mask = (1<<(x-1)) - 1
count[0][0] = 1
for(i = 0; i < Len-1; ++i) {
    for(j = 0; j < 1<<i && j < 1<<(x-1); ++j) {
        if(i<x-1 || count1Bit(j*2+1)>=y)
            count[i+1][(j*2+1)&mask] += count[i][j];
        if(i<x-1 || count1Bit(j*2)>=y)
            count[i+1][(j*2)&mask] += count[i][j];
answer = 0
for(j = 0; j < 1<<i && j < 1<<(x-1); ++j)
    answer += count[Len][j];

This algorithm assumes that Len >= x. The time complexity is O(Len*2^x).


The count1Bit(j) function counts the number of 1 in the binary representation of j.

The only input to this algorithm are Len, x, and y. It starts from an empty binary string [length 0, group 0], and iteratively tries to append 0 and 1 until length equals to Len. It also does the grouping and counting the number of binary strings satisfying the 1-bits constraint in each group. The output of this algorithm is answer, which is the number of binary strings (numbers) satisfying the constraints.

For a binary string in group [length i, group j], appending 0 to it results in a binary string in group [length i+1, group (j*2)%(2^(x-1))]; appending 1 to it results in a binary string in group [length i+1, group (j*2+1)%(2^(x-1))].

Let count[i,j] be the number of binary strings in group [length i, group j] satisfying the 1-bits constraint. If there are at least y 1 in the binary representation of j*2, then appending 0 to each of these count[i,j] binary strings yields a binary string in group [length i+1, group (j*2)%(2^(x-1))] which also satisfies the 1-bit constraint. Therefore, we can add count[i,j] into count[i+1,(j*2)%(2^(x-1))]. The case of appending 1 is similar.

The condition i<x-1 in the above algorithm is to keep the binary strings growing when length is less than x-1.

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CS.Ferng Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09
