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find largest submatrix algorithm

I have an N*N matrix (N=2 to 10000) of numbers that may range from 0 to 1000. How can I find the largest (rectangular) submatrix that consists of the same number?


     1  2  3  4  5
    -- -- -- -- --
1 | 10  9  9  9 80
2 |  5  9  9  9 10
3 | 85 86 54 45 45
4 | 15 21  5  1  0
5 |  5  6 88 11 10

The output should be the area of the submatrix, followed by 1-based coordinates of its top left element. For the example, it would be (6, 2, 1) because there are six 9s situated at column 2, row 1.

like image 260
user277585 Avatar asked Feb 20 '10 09:02


People also ask

How do you find the largest submatrix of a matrix?

Let the given binary matrix be M[R][C]. The idea of the algorithm is to construct an auxiliary size matrix S[][] in which each entry S[i][j] represents the size of the square sub-matrix with all 1s including M[i][j] where M[i][j] is the rightmost and bottom-most entry in sub-matrix.

What is the order of the largest square Submatrix?

The largest square submatrix is formed by cells (0, 2) , (3, 2) , (0, 5) , and (3, 5) . The brute-force solution is to consider every square submatrix and check if it is surrounded by all 1's . We keep track of the dimensions of the largest square submatrix seen and finally return it.

How do you calculate Submatrix?

For each such matrix, in corresponding rows, there are n + 1 submatrices (exactly one of width 1,2,3··· ,n + 1). Hence, in total there are m(m + 1)(n + 1) 2 submatrices which are newly added. This can be written as a recursive formula: f(m, n + 1) = f(m, n) + m(m + 1)(n + 1) 2 .

1 Answers

This is a work in progress

I thought about this problem and I think I may have a O(w*h) algorithm.

The idea goes like this:

  • for any (i,j) compute the highest number of cells with the same value in the column j starting from (i,j). Store this values as heights[i][j].
  • create an empty vector of sub matrix (a lifo)
  • for all row: i
    • for all column: j
      • pop all sub matrix whose height > heights[i][j]. Because the submatrix with height > heights[i][j] cannot continue on this cell
      • push a submatrix defined by (i,j,heights[i][j]) where j is the farest coordinate where we can fit a submatrix of height: heights[i][j]
      • update the current max sub matrix

The tricky part is in the inner loop. I use something similar to the max subwindow algorithm to ensure it is O(1) on average for each cell.

I will try to formulate a proof but in the meantime here is the code.

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>

typedef std::vector<int>   row_t;
typedef std::vector<row_t> matrix_t;

std::size_t height(matrix_t const& M) { return M.size(); }
std::size_t width (matrix_t const& M) { return M.size() ? M[0].size() : 0u; }

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, matrix_t const& M) {
  for(unsigned i=0; i<height(M); ++i) {
    std::copy(begin(M[i]), end(M[i]),
          std::ostream_iterator<int>(out, ", "));
    out << std::endl;
  return out;

struct sub_matrix_t {
  int i, j, h, w;
  sub_matrix_t(): i(0),j(0),h(0),w(1) {}
  sub_matrix_t(int i_,int j_,int h_,int w_):i(i_),j(j_),h(h_),w(w_) {}
  bool operator<(sub_matrix_t const& rhs) const { return (w*h)<(rhs.w*rhs.h); }

// Pop all sub_matrix from the vector keeping only those with an height
// inferior to the passed height.
// Compute the max sub matrix while removing sub matrix with height > h
void pop_sub_m(std::vector<sub_matrix_t>& subs,
           int i, int j, int h, sub_matrix_t& max_m) {

  sub_matrix_t sub_m(i, j, h, 1);

  while(subs.size() && subs.back().h >= h) {
    sub_m = subs.back();
    sub_m.w = j-sub_m.j;
    max_m = std::max(max_m, sub_m);

  // Now sub_m.{i,j} is updated to the farest coordinates where there is a
  // submatrix with heights >= h

  // If we don't cut the current height (because we changed value) update
  // the current max submatrix
  if(h > 0) {
    sub_m.h = h;
    sub_m.w = j-sub_m.j+1;
    max_m = std::max(max_m, sub_m);

void push_sub_m(std::vector<sub_matrix_t>& subs,
        int i, int j, int h, sub_matrix_t& max_m) {
  if(subs.empty() || subs.back().h < h)
    subs.emplace_back(i, j, h, 1);

void solve(matrix_t const& M, sub_matrix_t& max_m) {
  // Initialize answer suitable for an empty matrix
  max_m = sub_matrix_t();
  if(height(M) == 0 || width(M) == 0) return;

  // 1) Compute the heights of columns of the same values
  matrix_t heights(height(M), row_t(width(M), 1));
  for(unsigned i=height(M)-1; i>0; --i)
    for(unsigned j=0; j<width(M); ++j)
    heights[i-1][j] = heights[i][j]+1;

  // 2) Run through all columns heights to compute local sub matrices
  std::vector<sub_matrix_t> subs;
  for(int i=height(M)-1; i>=0; --i) {
    push_sub_m(subs, i, 0, heights[i][0], max_m);
    for(unsigned j=1; j<width(M); ++j) {
      bool same_val  = (M[i][j]==M[i][j-1]);
      int pop_height = (same_val) ? heights[i][j] : 0;
      int pop_j      = (same_val) ? j             : j-1;
      pop_sub_m (subs, i, pop_j, pop_height,    max_m);
      push_sub_m(subs, i, j,     heights[i][j], max_m);
    pop_sub_m(subs, i, width(M)-1, 0, max_m);

matrix_t M1{
  {10,  9,  9,  9, 80},
  { 5,  9,  9,  9, 10},
  {85, 86, 54, 45, 45},
  {15, 21,  5,  1,  0},
  { 5,  6, 88, 11, 10},

matrix_t M2{
  {10, 19,  9, 29, 80},
  { 5,  9,  9,  9, 10},
  { 9,  9, 54, 45, 45},
  { 9,  9,  5,  1,  0},
  { 5,  6, 88, 11, 10},

int main() {
  sub_matrix_t answer;

  std::cout << M1 << std::endl;
  solve(M1, answer);
  std::cout << '(' << (answer.w*answer.h)
        << ',' << (answer.j+1) << ',' << (answer.i+1) << ')'
        << std::endl;

  answer = sub_matrix_t();
  std::cout << M2 << std::endl;
  solve(M2, answer);
  std::cout << '(' << (answer.w*answer.h)
        << ',' << (answer.j+1) << ',' << (answer.i+1) << ')'
        << std::endl;
like image 84
fjardon Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
