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Find indexes of sequence in list in python




I am quite new and I hope it's not too obvious, but I just can't seem to find a short and precise answer to the following problem.

I have two lists:

a = [2,3,5,2,5,6,7,2]
b = [2,5,6]

I would like to find when all the indexes of the second list (b) are in the first list (a), so that I get something like this:

indexes of b in a: 3, 4, 5 or b = a[3:6]

like image 433
user1376377 Avatar asked May 05 '12 06:05


People also ask

How do you find the index of an element in a list of lists?

To find the (row, column) index pair of an element in a list of lists, iterate over the rows and their indices using the enumerate() function and use the row. index(x) method to determine the index of element x in the row .

How do you check indexes in Python?

To facilitate this, Python has an inbuilt function called index(). This function takes in the element as an argument and returns the index. By using this function we are able to find the index of an element in a list in Python.

2 Answers

With a list comprehension:

>>> [(i, i+len(b)) for i in range(len(a)) if a[i:i+len(b)] == b]
[(3, 6)]

Or with a for-loop:

>>> indexes = []
>>> for i in range(len(a)):
...    if a[i:i+len(b)] == b:
...        indexes.append((i, i+len(b)))
>>> indexes
[(3, 6)]
like image 114
Rik Poggi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10

Rik Poggi

Also, for efficiency, you can use KMP algorithm that is used in string matching (from here):

def KMPSearch(pat, txt): 
    M = len(pat) 
    N = len(txt) 

    # create lps[] that will hold the longest prefix suffix  
    # values for pattern 
    lps = [0]*M 
    j = 0 # index for pat[] 

    # Preprocess the pattern (calculate lps[] array) 
    computeLPSArray(pat, M, lps) 

    i = 0 # index for txt[] 
    while i < N: 
        if pat[j] == txt[i]: 
            i += 1
            j += 1

        if j == M: 
            print("Found pattern at index " + str(i-j))
            j = lps[j-1] 

        # mismatch after j matches 
        elif i < N and pat[j] != txt[i]: 
            # Do not match lps[0..lps[j-1]] characters, 
            # they will match anyway 
            if j != 0: 
                j = lps[j-1] 
                i += 1

def computeLPSArray(pat, M, lps): 
    len = 0 # length of the previous longest prefix suffix 

    lps[0] # lps[0] is always 0 
    i = 1

    # the loop calculates lps[i] for i = 1 to M-1 
    while i < M: 
        if pat[i]== pat[len]: 
            len += 1
            lps[i] = len
            i += 1
            # This is tricky. Consider the example. 
            # AAACAAAA and i = 7. The idea is similar  
            # to search step. 
            if len != 0: 
                len = lps[len-1] 

                # Also, note that we do not increment i here 
                lps[i] = 0
                i += 1

a = [2,3,5,2,5,6,7,2]
b = [2,5,6]
KMPSearch(b, a) 

This find the first index of the b in a. Hence, the range is the result of the search and its plus to the length of b.

like image 25
OmG Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10