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Find index of element in vector of pairs

As stated in the title, I'm trying to find the index of an element in a vector of pairs. I have the following vector: std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> dict. The content of my dict is:

Name1 11
Name2 9
Name3 10
Name4 12
Name5 13

All I have in order to find the index is the first attribute of the pair. For example I have Name5 and I would like to find 4. (Since Name5 is the fifth element). Does anyone have an idea how to do it ? I tried something but it doesn't seem to work:

auto it = std::find(dict.begin(), dict.end(), movieName);

where movieName is an std::string with "Name5" inside. Thank you!

like image 385
MM1 Avatar asked Jun 28 '20 19:06


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Access an element in vector using vector::at() reference at(size_type n); reference at(size_type n); reference at(size_type n); It returns the reference of element at index n in vector.

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We can search a pair in a sorted vector of pairs by using the built-in function “binary_search()”of STL library. We can search a first element of a pair in a sorted vector of pairs by using the built-in function “binary_search()”of the STL library.

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2 Answers

I would simply go with a normal for_each loop.


int index = 0;
for(const auto& pair : dict) {
    if(pair.first == <whatever>) {

//if index == dict.size() then print element not found 

Other way would be using std::find_if() ( Thanks @Tony Delroy :) )

auto index = std::distance(dict.begin(), std::find_if(dict.begin(), dict.end(), [&](const auto& pair) { return pair.first == movieName; }));
like image 56
kesarling He-Him Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10

kesarling He-Him

You can use a predicate to decide which entries in the vector should match. It's easiest to do that with a lambda:

auto it = std::find_if(dict.begin(), dict.end(),
              [&](const auto& pair) { return pair.first == movieName; });

After you have the iterator, compare it to dict.end() to see if there was any match, and if there's a match you can convert it to an index into the vector using std::distance(), as d4rk4ng31 commented under the question.

like image 44
Tony Delroy Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 11:10

Tony Delroy