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Find if a column in Oracle has a sequence

I am attempting to figure out if a column in Oracle is populated from a sequence. My impression of how Oracle handles sequencing is that the sequence and column are separate entities and one needs to either manually insert the next sequence value like:

insert into tbl1 values(someseq.nextval, 'test')

or put it into a table trigger. Meaning that it is non-trivial to tell if a column is populated from a sequence. Is that correct? Any ideas about how I might go about figuring out if a column is populated from a sequence?

like image 763
stimms Avatar asked Nov 13 '09 15:11


People also ask

How do you check if a column has a sequence in Oracle?

There are no direct metadata links between Oracle sequences and any use in the database. You could make an intelligent guess if a column's values are related to a sequence by querying the USER_SEQUENCES metadata and comparing the LAST_NUMBER column to the data for the column.

How do you check if a sequence exists in Oracle?

Best Answer Although you could find the sequences in a schema using the query :" select sequence_name from user_sequences;", You should use the query "select sequence_name from all_sequences;" to find out all sequences accessible to the schema user.

How do I find sequences in SQL?

The syntax to a view the properties of a sequence in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) is: SELECT * FROM sys. sequences WHERE name = 'sequence_name'; sequence_name.

How do you use a sequence Nextval in a select statement?

You can access the value of a sequence using the NEXTVAL or CURRVAL operators in SQL statements. You must qualify NEXTVAL or CURRVAL with the name (or synonym) of a sequence object that exists in the same database, using the format sequence. NEXTVAL or sequence.

2 Answers

You are correct; the sequence is separate from the table, and a single sequence can be used to populate any table, and the values in a column in some table may mostly come from a sequence (or set of sequences), except for the values manually generated.

In other words, there is no mandatory connection between a column and a sequence - and therefore no way to discover such a relationship from the schema.

Ultimately, the analysis will be of the source code of all applications that insert or update data in the table. Nothing else is guaranteed. You can reduce the scope of the search if there is a stored procedure that is the only way to make modifications to the table, or if there is a trigger that sets the value, or other such things. But the general solution is the 'non-solution' of 'analyze the source'.

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Jonathan Leffler Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10

Jonathan Leffler

If the sequence is used in a trigger, it is possible to find which tables it populates:

SQL> select t.table_name, d.referenced_name as sequence_name
  2  from   user_triggers t
  3         join user_dependencies d
  4         on d.name = t.trigger_name
  5  where  d.referenced_type = 'SEQUENCE'
  6  and    d.type = 'TRIGGER'
  7  /

TABLE_NAME                     SEQUENCE_NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
EMP                            EMPNO_SEQ


You can vary this query to find stored procedures, etc that make use of the sequence.

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APC Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 16:10