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Find First 4 words and Last 4 words from database after particular keywords?



I want to find first 4 words and last 4 words after the particular keyword from database. Suppose the keyword is "Account" then I want to find first 4 words before "Account" appear in a line and 4 words after "Account" appear in a line.

Currently I am using this query for finding first 20 characters and last 20 characters after particular keyword.

SUBSTRING(line.WD, LOCATE('%Account%', line.WD) - 20, 20) AS First20Char, 
SUBSTRING(line.WD, LOCATE('%Account%', line.WD)+LENGTH('a'), 20) AS Last20Char 
FROM `line` WHERE line.WD LIKE '%Account%'
like image 909
Sanjay Singh Avatar asked Apr 09 '12 06:04

Sanjay Singh

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1 Answers

SQL is called *S*QL for a reason -- you aren't going to be able to do something this advanced without the help of an intermediary programming language --- unless you want things to get messy.

The short answer is that you will have to use a UDF (user defined function) to first split, then parse your delimited string (on spaces ' ') then you can apply your -4/+4 logic.

Here is the best article on the net on SQL-UDFs to get you started:


Good luck!

PS -- it'll be a lot easier to just grab your +/-30 chr then do the parsing externally though =]. It'll probably save more system resources too.

like image 101
Authman Apatira Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Authman Apatira