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Find duplicates for several columns exclusive ID-column

i've found a lot of answers on how to find duplicates including the PK-column or without focus on it as this:

If you have a table called T1, and the columns are c1, c2 and c3 then this query would show you the duplicate values.

SELECT C1, C2, C3, count(*)as DupCount
 from T1
 GROUP BY C1, C2, C3

But a more common requirement would be to get the ID of the all duplicates that have equal c1,c2,c3 values.

So i need following what doesn't work because the id must be aggregated:

 from T1
 GROUP BY C1, C2, C3

(The ID of all duplicates must be different but the columns must be equal)


Thank you all. I'm always suprised how fast people give excellent answers on Stackoverflow!

like image 543
Tim Schmelter Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 10:12

Tim Schmelter

1 Answers

There is a lot of versions suggested here but I think I came up with a new one.

select *
from @T as T1
where exists (select *
              from @T as T2
                T1.ID <> T2.ID and
                T1.C1 = T2.C1 and
                T1.C2 = T2.C2 and
                T1.C3 = T2.C3)
like image 84
Mikael Eriksson Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 00:01

Mikael Eriksson