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Find ansible ssh user




I'm using the User in ~/.ssh/config file to specify the user name ansible uses to access the remote server, for example:

  User my_local_user_name

Is there a way to find that user name in Ansible? In the following playbook ansible_user is defined:

- hosts: "all"
    - name: "perform whoami"
      shell: whoami
      register: whoami
    - set_fact:
        ansible_user: "{{ whoami.stdout }}"
    - debug:
        msg: "I am user: {{ ansible_user }}"  # will display: "I am user: my_local_user_name"

However I'm not sure of any unintended consequences of setting the ansible_user directly as opposed to using the remote_user setting in the playbook, in the inventory or in the ansible config such as:

- hosts: "all"
  remote_user: my_local_user_name
    #- name: "perform whoami"
    #  shell: whoami
    #  register: whoami
    #- set_fact:
    #    ansible_user: "{{ whoami.stdout }}"
    - debug:
        msg: "I am user: {{ ansible_user }}"  # will display: "I am user: my_local_user_name"
like image 869
AJP Avatar asked Feb 07 '17 16:02


People also ask

What user does Ansible SSH as?

Ansible uses your local user (eg Mike) to ssh to the remote machine.

How do you check if a user exists in Linux using Ansible?

You can simply use the getent module. If the user is present, the play will continue. If the user does not exist, the play will fail. Save this answer.

How do I find my hosts in Ansible?

Open the default hosts file (/etc/ansible/hosts) using your favorite text editor to see what an Ansible hosts file looks like. By default, Ansible looks for the hosts in the /etc/ansible/hosts file. The default inventory file contains different examples you can use as references while setting up your inventory.

Does Ansible use SSH agent?

By default, Ansible assumes you are using SSH keys to connect to remote machines. SSH keys are encouraged, but you can use password authentication if needed with the --ask-pass option. If you need to provide a password for privilege escalation (sudo, pbrun, and so on), use --ask-become-pass .

1 Answers

If you need to get ssh user after connection has been made and facts about target host are available, you can use ansible_user_id fact.

If you want to know ssh user before connection has been made, here is a trick:

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Save our destination host
      set_fact: dest_host="{{ ansible_host }}"

    - name: Get user from local ssh config
      local_action: shell ssh -G {{ dest_host }} | awk '/^user /{ print $2 }'
      changed_when: false
      register: ssh_user

    - name: Print forced ansible_user if defined or username from ssh config otherwize
      debug: msg="Ansible will connect with {{ ansible_user | default(ssh_user.stdout) }}"

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: yes
    - name: Print our remote name
      debug: msg="Ansible connected with {{ ansible_user_id }}"

Not sure if ssh -G is available on every system.

If you don't specify remote_user in Ansible playbook or inventory, it relies on ssh to make the connection, so the only way to know username is to parse ssh config files, where -G option comes in handy.

like image 191
Konstantin Suvorov Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 16:10

Konstantin Suvorov