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Find and count all in Sails.js + Waterline

Is there a way to do select query and count_all query via single method? For pagination purposes we need to know total number of items so we can calculate and show number of pages.

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Kristian Ačkar Avatar asked Jun 09 '15 12:06

Kristian Ačkar

2 Answers

getLength: function(req, res) {
    Posts.find({}).exec(function(err, items){

        return items.length;
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Matan Gubkin Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11

Matan Gubkin

Check out Sails.Js - How I do pagination in sails.Js for pagination in Waterline.

To get the total number of items, you can use:

Post.count().exec(function (err, nbOfInstances) {
    if(err) return res.negociate(err);

    return res.ok(nbOfInstances);
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Yann Bertrand Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11

Yann Bertrand