I am stuck with a problem and could not find much help online. I need to find the minimum cost combination of numbers from multiple vectors of numbers. The vector size is same for all vectors. For example, consider the following :
row [0]: a b c d
row [1]: e f g h
row [2]: i j k l
Now I need to find the combination of numbers by taking one element from each row i.e vector, eg: aei
After this, i need to find other three combinations that do not intersect with one another, eg: bfj, cgk, dhl. I calculate the cost based on these four combination chosen. The goal is to find the combination that gives the minimum cost. Another possible combination can be: afj, bei, chk, dgl. If the total number of columns is d and rows is k, the total combination possible is d^k. The rows are stored as vectors. I am stuck here, I am finding it hard to write an algorithm for the above process. I would really appreciate if somebody could help.
// I am still working on the algorithm. I just have the vectors and the cost function.
//Cost Function , it also depends on the path chosen
float cost(int a, int b, PATH to_a) {
float costValue;
return costValue;
vector< vector < int > > row;
//populate row
// row [0]: a b c d
// row [1]: e f g h
// row [2]: i j k l
// If a is chosen from row[0] and e is chosen from row[1] then,
float subCost1 = cost(a,e, path_to_a);
// If i is chosen from row[2] ,
float subCost2 = cost(e,i,path_to_e);
// Cost for selecting aei combination is
float cost1 = subCost1 + subCost2;
//similarly other three costs need to be calculated by selecting other remaining elements
//The elements should not intersect with each other eg. combinations aei and bej cannot exist on the same set.
//Suppose the other combinations chosen are bfj with cost cost2, cgk with cost cost3 and dhl with cost cost4
float totalCost = cost1 + cost2 + cost3 + cost4;
//This is the cost got from one combination. All the other possible combinations should be enumerated to get the minimum cost combination.
In this article, we will solve the most asked coding interview problem: Grid Unique Paths. Given two values M and N, which represent a matrix[M][N]. We need to find the total unique paths from the top-left cell (matrix[0][0]) to the rightmost cell (matrix[M-1][N-1]).
A* is optimal. It will always return the least-cost path.
The path to reach (m, n) must be through one of the 3 cells: (m-1, n-1) or (m-1, n) or (m, n-1). So minimum cost to reach (m, n) can be written as “minimum of the 3 cells plus cost[m][n]”. Following is a simple recursive implementation of the MCP (Minimum Cost Path) problem.
Posting more utility code
see github: https://gist.github.com/1233012#file_new.cpp
This is basically an much better approach to generating all possible permutations based on much simpler approach (therefore I had no real reason to post it before: As it stands right now, it doesn't do anything more than the python code).
I decided to share it anyways, as you might be able to get some profit out of this as the basis for an eventual solution.
- much faster
- smarter algorithm (leverages STL and maths :))
- instruction optimization
- storage optimization
- generic problem model
- model and algorithmic ideas can be used as basis for proper algorithm
- basis for a good OpenMP parallelization (n-way, for n rows) designed-in (but not fleshed out)
- The code is much more efficient at the cost of flexibility: adapting the code to build in logic about the constraints and cost heuristics would be much easier with the more step-by-step Python approach
All in all I feel that my C++ code could be a big win IFF it turns out that Simulated Annealing is appropriate given the cost function(s); The approach taken in the code would give
- a highly efficient storage model
- a highly efficient way to generate random / closely related new grid configurations
- convenient display functions
Mandatory (abritrary...) benchmark data point (comparison to the python version:)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Result: 207360000 real 0m13.016s user 0m13.000s sys 0m0.010s
Here is what we got up till now:
From the description I glean the suggestion that you have a basic graph like
a path has to be constructed that visits all nodes in the grid (Hamiltonian cycle).
The extra constraint is that subsequent nodes have to be taken from the next rank (a-d, e-h, i-l being the three ranks; once a node from the last rank was visited, the path has to continue with any unvisited node from the first rank
The edges are weighted, in that they have a cost associated. However, the weight function is not traditional for graph algorithms in that the cost depends on the full path, not just the end-points of each edge.
In the light of this I believe we are in the realm of 'Full Cover' problems (requiring A* algorithm, most famous from Knuths Dancing Links paper).
Specifically Without further information (equivalence of paths, specific properties of the cost function) the best known algorithm to get the 'cheapest' hamiltonian path that satisfies the constraints will be to
Which is why I have set off and wrote a really dumb brute force generator that generates all the unique paths possible in a generic grid of NxM.
Output for the 3×4 sample grid is 4!3 = 13824 possible paths... Extrapolating that to 6×48 columns, leads to 6!48 = 1.4×10137 possibilities. It is very clear that without further optimization the problem is untractible (NP Hard or something -- I never remember quite the subtle definitions).
The explosion of runtime is deafening:
At 48x6 we would be looking at... what... 8.3x10107years (read that closely)
Anyways, here is the python code (all preset for 2×3 grid)
ROWS = 2
COLS = 3
## different cell representations
def cell(r,c):
## exercise for the reader: _gues_ which of the following is the fastest
## ...
## then profile it :)
index = COLS*(r) + c
# return [ r,c ]
# return ( r,c )
# return index
# return "(%i,%i)" % (r,c)
def baseN(num,b,numerals="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"):
return ((num == 0) and numerals[0]) or (baseN(num // b, b, numerals).lstrip(numerals[0]) + numerals[num % b])
return baseN(index, 26)
ORIGIN = cell(0,0)
def debug(t): pass; #print t
def dump(grid): print("\n".join(map(str, grid)))
def print_path(path):
## Note: to 'normalize' to start at (1,1) node:
# while ORIGIN != path[0]: path = path[1:] + path[:1]
print " -> ".join(map(str, path))
def bruteforce_hamiltonians(grid, whenfound):
def inner(grid, whenfound, partial):
cols = len(grid[-1]) # number of columns remaining in last rank
if cols<1:
# assert 1 == len(set([ len(r) for r in grid ])) # for debug only
whenfound(partial) # disable when benchmarking
#debug(" ------ cols: %i ------- " % cols)
for i,rank in enumerate(grid):
if len(rank)<cols: continue
#debug("debug: %i, %s (partial: %s%s)" % (i,rank, "... " if len(partial)>3 else "", partial[-3:]))
for ci,cell in enumerate(rank):
grid[i] = rank[:ci]+rank[ci+1:] # modify grid in-place, keeps rank
inner(grid, whenfound, partial)
grid[i] = rank # restore in-place
# start of recursion
inner(grid, whenfound, [])
grid = [ [ cell(c,r) for r in range(COLS) ] for c in range(ROWS) ]
bruteforce_hamiltonians(grid, print_path)
First, one observation that helps very slightly.
I think the 4!^3 result does not capture the fact that { aei, bfj, cgk, dhl } and (for example) { bfj, aei, cgk, dhl } have the same cost.
What this means is that we only need to consider sequences of the form
{ a??, b??, c??, d?? }
This equivalence cuts the number of distinct cases by 4!
On the other hand, @sehe has 3x4 gives 4!^3 (I agree), so similarly 6x48 requires 48!^6. Of these “only” 48!^5 are distinct. This is now 2.95 × 10^305.
Using the 3x4 example, here is a start on an algorithm which gives some sort of answer.
Enumerate all the triplets and their costs.
Pick the lowest cost triplet.
Remove all remaining triplets containing a letter from that triplet.
Now find the lowest cost triplet remaining.
And so on.
Note that is not a full exhaustive search.
I also see from this is that this is still a lot of computation. That first pass still requires 48^6 (12,230, 590, 464) costs to be computed. I guess that can be done, but will take a lot of effort. The subsequent passes will be cheap in comparison.
As the other answers have already pointed out you problem is too difficult to be face with brute force. The starting point of this kind of problem is always Simulated annealing. I have create a small application that implement the algorithm.
Another way to see your problem is to minimize a complex function. Also you have an extra constraint on the possible solution. I start with a random valid configuration (that meet your constraints), then I modified that random solution changing an element per time. I force the application to perform just valid transition. The code is pretty clear.
I have created a template function, so you need just to provide the necessary function objects and structure.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
//row [0]: c00 c01 c02 c03
//row [1]: c10 c11 c12 c13
//row [2]: c20 c21 c22 c23
typedef std::pair<int,int> RowColIndex;
// the deeper vector has size 3 (aei for example)
// the outer vector has size 4
typedef std::vector<std::vector<RowColIndex> > Matrix;
size_t getRandomNumber(size_t up)
return rand() % up;
struct Configuration
Configuration(const Matrix& matrix) : matrix_(matrix){}
Matrix matrix_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const Configuration& toPrint)
for (size_t row = 0; row < toPrint.matrix_.at(0).size(); row++)
for (size_t col = 0; col < toPrint.matrix_.size(); col++)
os << toPrint.matrix_.at(col).at(row).first << ","
<< toPrint.matrix_.at(col).at(row).second << '\t';
os << '\n';
return os;
struct Energy
double operator()(const Configuration& conf)
double result = 0;
for (size_t col = 0; col < conf.matrix_.size(); col++)
for (size_t row =0; row < conf.matrix_.at(col).size(); row++)
result += pow(static_cast<double>(row) - static_cast<double>(conf.matrix_.at(col).at(row).first),2) +
pow(static_cast<double>(col) - static_cast<double>(conf.matrix_.at(col).at(row).second),2);
return result;
size_t calculateNewColumn(std::vector<int>& isAlreadyUse)
size_t random;
random = getRandomNumber(isAlreadyUse.size());
while (isAlreadyUse.at(random) != 0);
isAlreadyUse.at(random) = 1;
return random;
Configuration createConfiguration(size_t numberOfRow,size_t numberOfColumn)
//create suitable matrix
Matrix matrix;
//add empty column vector
for (size_t col = 0; col < numberOfColumn; col++)
//loop over all the element
for (size_t row = 0; row < numberOfRow; row++)
std::vector<int> isAlreadyUse(numberOfColumn);
for (size_t col = 0; col < numberOfColumn; col++)
size_t newCol = calculateNewColumn(isAlreadyUse);
return Configuration(matrix);
struct CreateNewConfiguration
Configuration operator()(const Configuration& conf)
Configuration result(conf);
size_t fromRow = getRandomNumber(result.matrix_.at(0).size());
size_t fromCol = getRandomNumber(result.matrix_.size());
size_t toCol = getRandomNumber(result.matrix_.size());
result.matrix_.at(fromCol).at(fromRow) = conf.matrix_.at(toCol).at(fromRow);
result.matrix_.at(toCol).at(fromRow) = conf.matrix_.at(fromCol).at(fromRow);
return result;
template<typename Conf,typename CalcEnergy,typename CreateRandomConf>
Conf Annealing(const Conf& start,CalcEnergy energy,CreateRandomConf createNewConfiguration,
int maxIter = 100000,double minimumEnergy = 1.0e-005)
Conf first(start);
int iter = 0;
while (iter < maxIter && energy(first) > minimumEnergy )
Configuration newConf(createNewConfiguration(first));
if( energy(first) > energy(newConf))
first = newConf;
return first;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
size_t nRows = 25;
size_t nCols = 25;
std::vector<Configuration> res;
for (int i =0; i < 10; i++)
std::cout << "Configuration #" << i << std::endl;
Configuration c = createConfiguration(nRows,nCols);
std::vector<Configuration>::iterator it = res.begin();
std::vector<Configuration>::iterator lowest = it;
while (++it != res.end())
if (Energy()(*it) < Energy()(*lowest))
lowest = it;
std::cout << Energy()(*lowest) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << *lowest << std::endl;
return 0;
Of course you have no guarantee that the solution is the best one (it is an heuristic method). However it is a good starting point.
You haven't provide a complete function cost, so I have implement my own one that allows me to simply check the final result. You need just to provide the function cost and the job is done.
You will probably make the program more efficient, there is plenty of room for improvement, but the logic is there and you can implement your function easily enough.
The complexity of the algorithm is E*I*C where I = number of iterations C = number of random configuration (to avoid local minimum) E = calculation of energy function (or function cost)
In this case E is actually N*M where N and M are the dimensions of the initial matrix.
If you are not happy with the Simulated annealing result you may try genetic algorithms.
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