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filter:notarray Expected array but received: 0



    @RequestMapping(value = "/graphs", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public Collection<Graph> getSkeletonGraph()
        log.debug("REST request to get current graphs");
        return graphService.getSkeletonGraphs();

Angular call

    $scope.graphs = [];
        $scope.graphs = result;

    angular.module('sampleApplicationApp').factory('Graph', function($resource)
      return {
        getGraphs: function() {
           return    $resource('api/graphs/:id').query();

I am not sure why using the filter i get the exception.

looked also in angular doc https://docs.angularjs.org/error/filter/notarray My result is array but not sure why I am getting such exception.

Sample result from backend i am getting.



<li ng-repeat="g in graphs track by $index | filter:searchText"></li>
like image 364
Saurabh Kumar Avatar asked Dec 09 '15 09:12

Saurabh Kumar

1 Answers

The problem is occurring because you are using track by $index before you are applying your filter. To resolve this, change your expression to:

<li ng-repeat="g in graphs | filter:searchText track by $index"></li>

The track by expression should always be at the last, after all your filters. Its a rule mentioned in the docs: ngRepeat


When you don't use track by $index in ngRepeat, the input for all the filters used is the array, that is, if its

ng-repeat="item in items | filter1 | filter2", 

then items is the input passed to the filters by default and the filtering is done on this input.

However, when you use track by $index, the input to the filters becomes $index instead of items and therefore the error:

Expected array(read: items) but received 0(read: $index).

Therefore, to counter this, the array is first passed through all the filters and the filtered result is used with track by $index.

Hope this clears it up.

like image 142
Tarun Dugar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

Tarun Dugar