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Filtering with MultiIndex

I have a Pandas DataFrame like this one:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a', 'b', 'c'], pd.date_range('20130101', periods=6)], names=['letter', 'date'])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(midx), 1), index=midx)

That dataframe looks like this:

letter      date    
  a     2013-01-01  0.471435
        2013-01-02  -1.190976
        2013-01-03  1.432707
        2013-01-04  -0.312652
        2013-01-05  -0.720589
        2013-01-06  0.887163
  b     2013-01-01  0.859588
        2013-01-02  -0.636524
        2013-01-03  0.015696
        2013-01-04  -2.242685
        2013-01-05  1.150036
        2013-01-06  0.991946
  c     2013-01-01  0.953324
        2013-01-02  -2.021255
        2013-01-03  -0.334077
        2013-01-04  0.002118
        2013-01-05  0.405453
        2013-01-06  0.289092

What I want to do is to keep all rows based on a condition on date which depends on the letter. For instance,

  • for letter a, I want to keep all rows such that date is between "20130102" and "20130105" (included)
  • for letter b, I want to keep all rows such that date == "20130103"
  • for letter c, I want to keep all rows such that date is between "20130103" and "20130105" (included)

All this information could be stored in a dictionary for instance.

dictionary = {"a": slice("20130102", "20130105"),
              "b": "20130103",
              "c": slice("20130103", "20130105")}

Is there an easy way to compute this with pandas? I did not find any information about such filtering.

like image 475
johann.faouzi Avatar asked Mar 12 '18 14:03


People also ask

How do you filter a DataFrame in multiple conditions?

Using Loc to Filter With Multiple Conditions The loc function in pandas can be used to access groups of rows or columns by label. Add each condition you want to be included in the filtered result and concatenate them with the & operator. You'll see our code sample will return a pd. dataframe of our filtered rows.

What is a MultiIndex in pandas?

The MultiIndex object is the hierarchical analogue of the standard Index object which typically stores the axis labels in pandas objects. You can think of MultiIndex as an array of tuples where each tuple is unique. A MultiIndex can be created from a list of arrays (using MultiIndex.

1 Answers

You could use query, it is designed for this kind of selection criteria.

If you slightly modify your dictionary you can generate your desired query with the help of a list comprehension:

In : dictionary
{'a': ('20130102', '20130105'),
 'b': ('20130103', '20130103'),
 'c': ('20130103', '20130105')}

In : df.query(
          ' or '.join("('{}' <= date <= '{}' and letter == '{}')".format(*(v + (k,))) 
          for k, v in dictionary.items())
letter date
a      2013-01-02 -1.190976
       2013-01-03  1.432707
       2013-01-04 -0.312652
       2013-01-05 -0.720589
b      2013-01-03  0.015696
c      2013-01-03 -0.334077
       2013-01-04  0.002118
       2013-01-05  0.405453

For more information on what the query statement is actually doing, here's details on the list comprehension:

In : (' or '.join("('{}' <= date <= '{}' and letter == '{}')".format(*(v + (k,)))
          for k, v in dictionary.items()))
Out: "('20130102' <= date <= '20130105' and letter == 'a') or 
          ('20130103' <= date <= '20130105' and letter == 'c') or
          ('20130103' <= date <= '20130103' and letter == 'b')"
like image 148
Zero Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09
