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Filtering Logcat Logs on commandline




public static final TAG = "Legendry Eagle"; 

Issue: I want to see logs of "Legendry Eagle" from the commandline.

I tried:

 adb logcat -s "Legendry Eagle"   adb logcat -s <Legendry Eagle> 

But Still it is not working.

like image 689
Takermania Avatar asked Dec 18 '12 11:12


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2 Answers

If you only want to show logcat for a specific TAG, do it like this:

adb logcat YourTAGHere:Priority *:S 

The *:S is important, as it sets all other tags to silent. If I want to track only my MainActivity tag at Verbose level, the syntax would look like this.

adb logcat MainActivity:V *:S 

Edit: I found no good way of filtering out tags with spaces. LegendryEagle works fine, but I was not able to filter out Legendry Eagle

like image 117
Ole Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10


If the standard adb logcat -s tagname doesn't work, you can always pipe the output of adb to find to filter what you need, something like

adb logcat | find "Legendry Eagle" 

This passes the entire logcat to DOS find command, which in turn filters out rows containing Legendry Eagle string.

like image 45
Aleks G Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10

Aleks G