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Filter lines from a text file which contain a particular word

I want to write a program which filters the lines from my text file which contain the word "apple" and write those lines into a new text file.

What I have tried just writes the word "apple" in my new text file, whereas I want whole lines.

like image 202
ahmad Avatar asked Mar 09 '11 11:03


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1 Answers

Use can get all lines containing 'apple' using a list-comprehension:

[ line for line in open('textfile') if 'apple' in line]

So - also in one code-line - you can create the new textfile:

open('newfile','w').writelines([ line for line in open('textfile') if 'apple' in line])

And eyquem is right: it's definitely faster to keep it as an iterator and write

open('newfile','w').writelines(line for line in open('textfile') if 'apple' in line)
like image 174
phynfo Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
