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Fill area to match the lines of with various 'type' arguments in lattice

I know I can use panel.xyarea from latticeExtra to fill the area in the plot with any colour. Without defining a type argument in xyplot, such filling will follow the route of default type="p":

data <- data.frame(time=1:24,value=rnorm(24))
xyplot(value~time, data, 

enter image description here

This plots both panel.xyarea and the points coming from default type="p" in panel.xyplot. Now the problem arise when I want to change the type of plotting line, for example making it step function type="S":

xyplot(value~time, data, type="S",

enter image description here

As you see on the example above, panel.xyarea doesn't fill the area underneath the new step function, but instead it plots both areas overlapping. It doesn't change anything if I move type="S" to the panel.xyarea - in fact it doesn't register type argument it at all and plots as it wouldn't be there.

Is there a way I can bypass this and have panel.xyarea fill my plots whatever type I define - be it step function (type="S"), loess (type="smooth") or regression (type="r")? Or maybe there is something better than panel.xyarea to use in such context?

like image 593
Geek On Acid Avatar asked Dec 10 '14 14:12

Geek On Acid

1 Answers

For each value of type, you'll need to construct a custom panel function. Fortunately, if you model the functions closely on existing lattice code (starting out by having a look at panel.xyplot), that shouldn't be too hard. For example, the two custom panel functions below include many lines of code but only a couple of lines (marked with comments) that I had to write.

Once you've defined the panel functions (copying them in from the code blocks following the figure), use them like this:

data <- data.frame(time=1:24,value=rnorm(24))

## Filled version of xyplot(..., type="S")
a <- xyplot(value~time, data, panel=panel.filled_S) 
## Filled version of xyplot(..., type="smooth") 
b <- xyplot(value~time, data, panel=panel.filled_smooth) 
grid.arrange(a, b, ncol = 2)

enter image description here

For a filled version of type="S":

## Modeled on code in panel.xyplot, which is called when type=S"
panel.filled_S <-
function(x,y, ...) {
    horizontal <- FALSE                  ## Edited (may not want to hardcode)
    ord <- if (horizontal)
    else sort.list(x)
    n <- length(x)
    xx <- numeric(2 * n - 1)
    yy <- numeric(2 * n - 1)
    xx[2 * 1:n - 1] <- x[ord]
    yy[2 * 1:n - 1] <- y[ord]
    xx[2 * 1:(n - 1)] <- x[ord][-n]
    yy[2 * 1:(n - 1)] <- y[ord][-1]
    panel.xyarea(x = xx, y = yy, ...)    ## Edited
    panel.lines(x = xx, y = yy, ...)     ## Edited
xyplot(value~time, data, panel=panel.filled_S, type="o")

For a filled version of type="smooth":

## Modeled on code in panel.loess, called by panel.xyplot when type="smooth"
panel.filled_smooth <-
function (x, y, span = 2/3, degree = 1, family = c("symmetric",
    "gaussian"), evaluation = 50, lwd = plot.line$lwd, lty = plot.line$lty,
    col, col.line = plot.line$col, type, horizontal = FALSE,
    ..., identifier = "loess")
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)
    ok <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)
    if (sum(ok) < 1)
    if (!missing(col)) {
        if (missing(col.line))
            col.line <- col
    plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
    if (horizontal) {
        smooth <- loess.smooth(y[ok], x[ok], span = span, family = family,
            degree = degree, evaluation = evaluation)
        panel.lines(x = smooth$y, y = smooth$x, col = col.line,
            lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ..., identifier = identifier)
        panel.xyarea(smooth$y, smooth$x, ...)  ## Edited
    else {
        smooth <- loess.smooth(x[ok], y[ok], span = span, family = family,
            degree = degree, evaluation = evaluation)
        panel.lines(x = smooth$x, y = smooth$y, col = col.line,
            lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ..., identifier = identifier)
        panel.xyarea(smooth$x, smooth$y, ...)  ## Edited
like image 186
Josh O'Brien Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10

Josh O'Brien