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Fill a multidimensional array with same values C#

Is there a faster way of doing this using C#?

double[,] myArray = new double[length1, length2];

for(int i=0;i<length1;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<length2;j++)
        myArray[i,j] = double.PositiveInfinity;

I remember using C++, there was something called memset() for doing these kind of things...

like image 816
Sait Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 14:07


People also ask

How to create a multidimensional array in C programming?

In C programming, you can create an array of arrays known as multidimensional array. For example, float x[3][4]; Here, x is a two-dimensional (2d) array. The array can hold 12 elements. You can think the array as table with 3 row and each row has 4 column.

How do you find the size of a multidimensional array?

Size of multidimensional arrays. Total number of elements that can be stored in a multidimensional array can be calculated by multiplying the size of all the dimensions. For example: The array int x[10][20] can store total (10*20) = 200 elements. Similarly array int x[5][10][20] can store total (5*10*20) = 1000 elements.

How to initialize an array with the same value in C?

Below are some of the different ways in which all elements of an array can be initialized to the same value: Initializer List: To initialize an array in C with the same value, the naive way is to provide an initializer list. We use this with small arrays. This will initialize the num array with value 1 at all index.

How many elements can be stored in a multidimensional array?

Similarly array int x [5] [10] [20] can store total (5*10*20) = 1000 elements. Two – dimensional array is the simplest form of a multidimensional array.

2 Answers

A multi-dimensional array is just a large block of memory, so we can treat it like one, similar to how memset() works. This requires unsafe code. I wouldn't say it's worth doing unless it's really performance critical. This is a fun exercise, though, so here are some benchmarks using BenchmarkDotNet:

    public class ArrayFillBenchmark
        const int length1 = 1000;
        const int length2 = 1000;
        readonly double[,] _myArray = new double[length1, length2];

        public void MultidimensionalArrayLoop()
            for (int i = 0; i < length1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < length2; j++)
                _myArray[i, j] = double.PositiveInfinity;

        public unsafe void MultidimensionalArrayNaiveUnsafeLoop()
            fixed (double* a = &_myArray[0, 0])
                double* b = a;

                for (int i = 0; i < length1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < length2; j++)
                    *b++ = double.PositiveInfinity;

        public unsafe void MultidimensionalSpanFill()
            fixed (double* a = &_myArray[0, 0])
                double* b = a;
                var span = new Span<double>(b, length1 * length2);

        public unsafe void MultidimensionalSseFill()
            var vectorPositiveInfinity = Vector128.Create(double.PositiveInfinity);

            fixed (double* a = &_myArray[0, 0])
                double* b = a;

                ulong i = 0;
                int size = Vector128<double>.Count;

                ulong length = length1 * length2;
                for (; i < (length & ~(ulong)15); i += 16)
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*0, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*1, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*2, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*3, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*4, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*5, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*6, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*7, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    b += size*8;
                for (; i < (length & ~(ulong)7); i += 8)
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*0, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*1, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*2, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*3, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    b += size*4;
                for (; i < (length & ~(ulong)3); i += 4)
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*0, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    Sse2.Store(b+size*1, vectorPositiveInfinity);
                    b += size*2;
                for (; i < length; i++)
                    *b++ = double.PositiveInfinity;


|                               Method |       Mean |     Error |    StdDev | Ratio |
|------------------------------------- |-----------:|----------:|----------:|------:|
|            MultidimensionalArrayLoop | 1,083.1 us | 11.797 us | 11.035 us |  1.00 |
| MultidimensionalArrayNaiveUnsafeLoop |   436.2 us |  8.567 us |  8.414 us |  0.40 |
|             MultidimensionalSpanFill |   321.2 us |  6.404 us | 10.875 us |  0.30 |
|              MultidimensionalSseFill |   231.9 us |  4.616 us | 11.323 us |  0.22 |

MultidimensionalArrayLoop is slow because of bounds checking. The JIT emits code each loop that makes sure that [i, j] is inside the bounds of the array. The JIT can elide bounds checking sometimes, I know it does for single-dimensional arrays. I'm not sure if it does it for multi-dimensional.

MultidimensionalArrayNaiveUnsafeLoop is essentially the same code as MultidimensionalArrayLoop but without bounds checking. It's considerably faster, taking 40% of the time. It's considered 'Naive', though, because the loop could still be improved by unrolling the loop.

MultidimensionalSpanFill also has no bounds check, and is more-or-less the same as MultidimensionalArrayNaiveUnsafeLoop, however, Span.Fill internally does loop unrolling, which is why it's a bit faster than our naive unsafe loop. It only take 30% of the time as our original.

MultidimensionalSseFill improves on our first unsafe loop by doing two things: loop unrolling and vectorizing. This requires a CPU with Sse2 support, but it allows us to write 128-bits (16 bytes) in a single instruction. This gives us an additional speed boost, taking it down to 22% of the original. Interestingly, this same loop with Avx (256-bits) was consistently slower than the Sse2 version, so that benchmark is not included here.

But these numbers only apply to an array that is 1000x1000. As you change the size of the array, the results differ. For example, when we change the array size to 10000x10000, the results for all of the unsafe benchmarks are very close. Probably because there are more memory fetches for the larger array that it tends to equalize the smaller iterative improvements seen in the last three benchmarks.

There's a lesson in there somewhere, but I mostly just wanted to share these results, since it was a pretty fun experiment to do.

like image 61
Christopher Currens Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Christopher Currens

I wrote the method that is not faster, but it works with actual multidimensional arrays, not only 2D.

public static class ArrayExtensions
    public static void Fill(this Array array, object value)
        var indicies = new int[array.Rank];

        Fill(array, 0, indicies, value);

    public static void Fill(Array array, int dimension, int[] indicies, object value)
        if (dimension < array.Rank)
            for (int i = array.GetLowerBound(dimension); i <= array.GetUpperBound(dimension); i++)
                indicies[dimension] = i;
                Fill(array, dimension + 1, indicies, value);
            array.SetValue(value, indicies);
like image 35
Mark Shevchenko Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Mark Shevchenko