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FileSystemObject - Reading Unicode Files

Classic ASP, VBScript context.

A lot of articles including this Microsoft one, say you cannot use FileSystemObject to read Unicode files.

I encountered this issue a while back, so switched to using ADODB.Stream instead, per the ReadText example here, instead of using FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile (which does accept a final parameter indicating whether to open the file as unicode, but actually doesn't work).

However, ADODB.Stream results in a world of pain when trying to read a file on a UNC fileshare (permissions-related issue). So, investigating this, I stumbled across the following approach which works a) with unicode files, and b) across UNC fileshares:

dim fso, file, stream
set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set file = fso.GetFile("\\SomeServer\Somefile.txt")
set stream = file.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading,-1) '-1 = unicode

This is using the FSO to read a unicode file without any apparent problem, so I'm confused as to all the references, including MS, saying you can't use the FSO to read unicode files.

Has anyone else used this approach for reading unicode files? Are there any hidden gotchas I'm missing, or can you really actually read unicode files using FSO?

like image 779
AdaTheDev Avatar asked Sep 11 '09 11:09


People also ask

Which constant can be used to open a file as Unicode?

If the fourth parameter passed to the OpenTextFile method is equal to -1 then the file will be opened as a Unicode file. It's that easy. Leave the fourth parameter off and the file will be opened as ASCII; set the fourth parameter to -1 and – presto-changeo!

3 Answers

I think MS does not officially state that it supports unicode because:

  1. It does not detect unicode files using the byte-order mark at the start of the file, and
  2. It only supports Little-Endian UTF-16 unicode files (and you need to remove the byte order mark if present).

Here is some sample code that I have been using successfully (for a few years) to auto-detect and read unicode files with FSO (assuming they are little-endian and contain the BOM):

'Detect Unicode Files
Set Stream = FSO.OpenTextFile(ScriptFolderObject.Path & "\" & FileName, 1, False)
intAsc1Chr = Asc(Stream.Read(1))
intAsc2Chr = Asc(Stream.Read(1))
If intAsc1Chr = 255 And intAsc2Chr = 254 Then 
    OpenAsUnicode = True
    OpenAsUnicode = False
End If

'Get script content
Set Stream = FSO.OpenTextFile(ScriptFolderObject.Path & "\" & FileName, 1, 0, OpenAsUnicode)
TextContent = Stream.ReadAll()
like image 141
Tao Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09


Yes that documentation is out of date. The scripting component did go through a set of changes in its early days (some of them were breaking changes if you were using early binding) however since at least WK2000 SP4 and XP SP2 it has been very stable.

Just be careful what you mean by unicode. Sometimes the word unicode is used more broadly and can cover any encoding of unicode. FSO does not read for example UTF8 encodings of unicode. For that you would need to fall back on ADODB.Stream.

like image 24
AnthonyWJones Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09


'assume we have detected that it is Unicode file - then very straightforward 
'byte-by-byte crawling sorted out my problem:
   'response.write("&#268;IA BUVO &#268;ARLIS<br/>")
   for i=3 to len(eilute)  'First 2 bytes are 255 and 254
     if (i+1) <= len(eilute) then
     exit for
    end if
    antras=asc(mid(eilute,i,1))*256 ' raidems uzteks
    if baitas=13 and antras=0 then 'LineFeed
      if (i+2) <= len(eilute) then i=i+2 'persokam per CarriageReturn
      smbl="&#" & skaicius & ";"
      elt=elt & smbl
    end if
   if elt<>"" then
   end if
  end if
like image 42
Daumantas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
