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File upload in vuetify [closed]

I'm using Vuetify.js components for my front-end in Vue.js and want to create a user registration form with file upload. I'm able to create the form using v-text-field (a Vuetify component).

  • How can I upload the file that is selected (input)?
  • Which component should I use or is there any other alternative way?
like image 738
praneet drolia Avatar asked Jul 08 '17 17:07

praneet drolia

People also ask

How do I handle file uploads at Vue?

Using Vue 2 with Axios, you can upload files easily with a few clicks. Using the <input> tag and specifying the type to file, the browser will allow you to select the file to upload from your computer. Axios can POST FormData instances, which makes it easy to upload files.

Can I add Vuetify to existing project?

To include Vuetify into an existing project, you must install its npm package. You can use either npm or yarn to accomplish this task. These are both package managers that allow you to control what resources are available in your application.

Is Vuetify responsive?

Breakpoint conditionalsThese conditional values enable responsive functionality to Vuetify features that don't support responsive by default or at all. In the next section we customize the default breakpoint values used in both JavaScript and CSS.

2 Answers

Vue JS do not have file-input feature till today, so you can tweak v-text-field to work like image input field. The concept is, create an file input field and then hide it using css, and add an event in v-text-field to trigger that specific file input field to upload image. I have attached snippet please do play with that, and I also do have a fiddle created using vue and vuetify, visit here. Thanks!

new Vue({   el: '#app',   data: () => ({     title: "Image Upload",     dialog: false,     imageName: '',     imageUrl: '',     imageFile: ''   }),    methods: {     pickFile() {       this.$refs.image.click()     },      onFilePicked(e) {       const files = e.target.files       if (files[0] !== undefined) {         this.imageName = files[0].name         if (this.imageName.lastIndexOf('.') <= 0) {           return         }         const fr = new FileReader()         fr.readAsDataURL(files[0])         fr.addEventListener('load', () => {           this.imageUrl = fr.result           this.imageFile = files[0] // this is an image file that can be sent to server...         })       } else {         this.imageName = ''         this.imageFile = ''         this.imageUrl = ''       }     }   } })
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500,700|Material+Icons' rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://unpkg.com/vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <div id="app">   <v-app>     <v-toolbar dark color="primary">       <v-toolbar-side-icon></v-toolbar-side-icon>       <v-toolbar-title class="white--text">{{ title }}</v-toolbar-title>       <v-spacer></v-spacer>       <v-btn icon @click="dialog = !dialog">         <v-icon>link</v-icon>       </v-btn>     </v-toolbar>     <v-content>       <v-container fluid>         <v-flex xs12 class="text-xs-center text-sm-center text-md-center text-lg-center">           <img :src="imageUrl" height="150" v-if="imageUrl"/>           <v-text-field label="Select Image" @click='pickFile' v-model='imageName' prepend-icon='attach_file'></v-text-field>           <input             type="file"             style="display: none"             ref="image"             accept="image/*"             @change="onFilePicked"           >         </v-flex>         <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="290">           <v-card>             <v-card-title class="headline">Hello World!</v-card-title>             <v-card-text>               Image Upload Script in VUE JS               <hr>               Yubaraj Shrestha               <br>http://yubarajshrestha.com.np/             </v-card-text>             <v-card-actions>               <v-spacer></v-spacer>               <v-btn color="green darken-1" flat="flat" @click.native="dialog = false">Close</v-btn>             </v-card-actions>           </v-card>         </v-dialog>       </v-container>     </v-content>   </v-app> </div> <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/vuetify/dist/vuetify.js"></script>

Latest version (V2.0.5) while editing this post dated Aug 11, 2019, there's a dedicated file input option. Please follow the link below for official documentation: https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/file-inputs.

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Yubaraj Shrestha Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Yubaraj Shrestha

An easy trick is:

<v-btn color="success" @click="$refs.inputUpload.click()">Success</v-btn> <input v-show="false" ref="inputUpload" type="file" @change="yourFunction" > 

Just create an input with the following properties:

  • type=file
  • ref=inputUpload this works like an id, you could name it like you want
  • v-show=false this hides input

Then make a button that when you click it, it fires a click event on the input Upload Button.

like image 24
Ing Oscar MR Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Ing Oscar MR