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File size limit for SQLite on 32bit system



I'm using sqlite as temporary storage to calculate statistic about moderately large data set. I'm wondering what will happen if my database exceed 2GB on 32 bit system. (I can't currently change the system to 64 bit)

Does it use memory mapped files and break if size of file exceed addressable memory? (like mongodb)

like image 924
Piotr Czapla Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 13:11

Piotr Czapla

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1 Answers

According sqlite documentation, maximum size of database file is ~140 terabytes and is practically limited by os/file system.

You can read more here (note the Pages section): http://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html

like image 52
barti_ddu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
