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File Formats Supported by UIWebView

What are all the file formats supported by UIWebView? In my testing, I found that it supports XLS, DOC, PPT, PDF but not XLSX, and DOCX, RTF.

It supports image files like, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, not sure about TIFF or

Exactly, what all types are supported is not clear...

The UIWebView documentation also doesn't state it clearly.

Could someone please help?

like image 799
Mugunth Avatar asked Aug 24 '09 02:08


2 Answers

A Technical note is available on Apple Website about file formats supported by UIWebView:

Since iPhone OS 2.2.1

  • Excel (.xls)
  • Keynote (.key.zip)
  • Numbers (.numbers.zip)
  • Pages (.pages.zip)
  • PDF (.pdf)
  • Powerpoint (.ppt)
  • Word (.doc)

Since iPhone OS 3.0

  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  • Rich Text Format Directory (.rtfd.zip)
  • Keynote '09 (.key)
  • Numbers '09 (.numbers)
  • Pages '09 (.pages)
like image 168
Moté Yvan Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10

Moté Yvan

I am seeking a definitive answer on this, too.

While the Tech Note tells us which high-level formats are supported, it doesn't tell us which simple formats, e.g. image types, are supported. I need that information, though, in order to let a web server know which formats it can send me (i.e. via http's "Accept" header).


Uh, actually, here's the docs from Apple on supported image formats by UIWebView: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/GraphicsandDrawing/GraphicsandDrawing.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH10-SW8

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Thomas Tempelmann Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10

Thomas Tempelmann