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ffmpeg video encoding progress bar





When I run the conversion in the browser it simply shows the white blank space. Only after the conversion process page will load.

Please suggest how to implement a progress bar which shows the progress to the user when the video conversion takes place.

I have this in my php script

exec("ffmpeg -i filename.flv -sameq -ab 128 -s 640x480 filename.mp4");

so how should I change this script to get the progress details even to a file or directly as ouput in the page. Please can anyone give me a complete script/code to explain it in detail. Because I think I cant get the complete answers and so I am confused on what to do with this

like image 871
Rahul TS Avatar asked Sep 22 '10 15:09

Rahul TS

1 Answers

javascript should tell php to start converting [1] and then do [2] ...

[1] php: start conversion and write status to a textfile - example syntax:

exec("ffmpeg -i path/to/input.mov path/to/output.flv 1>path/to/output.txt 2>&1");

For the second part we need just javascript to read the file. The following example uses dojo.request for AJAX, but you could use jQuery or vanilla or whatever as well :

[2] js: grab the progress from the file:

var _progress = function(i){
    var logfile = 'path/to/output.txt';

/* (example requires dojo) */

request.post(logfile).then( function(content){
// AJAX success
    var duration = 0, time = 0, progress = 0;
    var result = {};

    // get duration of source
    var matches = (content) ? content.match(/Duration: (.*?), start:/) : [];
    if( matches.length>0 ){
        var rawDuration = matches[1];
        // convert rawDuration from 00:00:00.00 to seconds.
        var ar = rawDuration.split(":").reverse();
        duration = parseFloat(ar[0]);
        if (ar[1]) duration += parseInt(ar[1]) * 60;
        if (ar[2]) duration += parseInt(ar[2]) * 60 * 60;

        // get the time 
        matches = content.match(/time=(.*?) bitrate/g);
        console.log( matches );

        if( matches.length>0 ){
            var rawTime = matches.pop();
            // needed if there is more than one match
            if (lang.isArray(rawTime)){ 
                rawTime = rawTime.pop().replace('time=','').replace(' bitrate',''); 
            } else {
                rawTime = rawTime.replace('time=','').replace(' bitrate','');

            // convert rawTime from 00:00:00.00 to seconds.
            ar = rawTime.split(":").reverse();
            time = parseFloat(ar[0]);
            if (ar[1]) time += parseInt(ar[1]) * 60;
            if (ar[2]) time += parseInt(ar[2]) * 60 * 60;

            //calculate the progress
            progress = Math.round((time/duration) * 100);

        result.status = 200;
        result.duration = duration;
        result.current  = time;
        result.progress = progress;


        /* UPDATE YOUR PROGRESSBAR HERE with above values ... */

        if(progress==0 && i>20){
            // TODO err - giving up after 8 sec. no progress - handle progress errors here
            console.log('{"status":-400, "error":"there is no progress while we tried to encode the video" }'); 
        } else if(progress<100){ 
            setTimeout(function(){ _progress(i); }, 400);
    } else if( content.indexOf('Permission denied') > -1) {
        // TODO - err - ffmpeg is not executable ...
        console.log('{"status":-400, "error":"ffmpeg : Permission denied, either for ffmpeg or upload location ..." }');    
// AJAX error
        // retry
        setTimeout(function(){ _progress(0); }, 400);
    } else {
        console.log('{"status":-400, "error":"there is no progress while we tried to encode the video" }');
        console.log( err ); 

setTimeout(function(){ _progress(0); }, 800);
like image 70
sebilasse Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
