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FFmpeg error - "at least one output file must be specified" [closed]



ffmpeg -ss 0 -i rawvid.flv -t 33 -vf scale=640x480 -b:21504 test.mpg

When run, this returns "At least one output file must be specified", what am I missing?

PS: FFmpeg works fine, and if I remove all of the flags in the statement above, it works.

like image 801
Derrick Tucker Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 14:02

Derrick Tucker

1 Answers

The correct command would be:

ffmpeg -ss 0 -i in.mp4 -filter:v scale=640:480 -b:v 21504 -t 5 test.mpg
  • The -t option should come just before the output specifier.

  • The scale output format is w:h (and not wxh)

  • -b:21504 is syntactically wrong, you're missing the :v.

like image 142
rajneesh Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
