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Fetched Property in XCode Data Model Editor for minimum value

How do I add a Fetched Property in XCode's Data Model Editor for minimum value of one attribute??

My model:

Model http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/b48853070e.png

Item (name, note, storedItem)
StoredItem (price, item)
Item 1 ---> N StoredITem (1->N Relationship)

I want that Item has a fetched property named minPrice and its value is the minimum value setted for price in the storedItems.


Item1 (banana, storedItem1 ... storedItem4, 10)
StoredItem1 (10,item1)
StoredItem2 (15,item1)
StoredItem3 (30,item1)
StoredItem4 (54,item1)

What do I put in Destination?? StoredItem?

Fetched Property in Data Model Editor http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/2a68de007d.png

And what do I put in Expression??

Expression in Data Model Editor http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/766ab9af6f.png

like image 790
wal Avatar asked Apr 19 '10 01:04


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1 Answers

The destination is the type of entity you want back.

It sounds like you want a StoredItem back, since that has a price on it.

What I think you want is a fetched property on Item called minPrice, with this expression:

like image 119
Donald Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10
