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Fetch post with body data not working params empty


I am trying to rewrite my ajax call to fetch:


  $.post({     context: this,     url: "/api/v1/users",     data: {        user:          {           email: email,           password: password         }      }   }).done((user) => {   }).fail((error) => {   }) 


  fetch('/api/v1/users', {     method: 'POST',   headers: {     "Content-Type": "application/json"   },           body: {      "user" :        {         "email" : email,         "password" : password       }    }   })   .then(res => {       if (res.status !== 200) { {         console.log("error")       })               } else {       res.json().then(data => {         console.log(data)       })     }   }) 

I am getting an error empty params ~ bad request from my server.

I also found this way to do it, but in this code below I am getting an error: Unexpected token.

  var payload = {      "user" :        {         "email" : email,         "password" : password       }    };    var data = new FormData();   data.append( "json", JSON.stringify( payload ) );    fetch('/api/v1/users', {     method: 'POST',   headers: {     "Content-Type": "application/json"   },           body: data   }) 

How can I rewrite the ajax request to fetch?

like image 427
Petr Avatar asked Oct 03 '16 23:10


1 Answers

Followed this topic on github: https://github.com/matthew-andrews/isomorphic-fetch/issues/34

The solution to my question is using the JSON.stringify function and set Content-Type header to application/json. Not pretty sure why the second attempt in my question didn't work though.

fetch('/api/v1/users', {       method: 'post',     headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},     body: JSON.stringify({ "user": {       "email" : email,       "password" : password     }}), }) 

Official MDN Documentation:

var myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');  fetch('/contact-form', {     method: 'POST',     headers: myHeaders,     mode: 'cors',     cache: 'default',     body: JSON.stringify(fields) }).then(() => {     dispatch(contactFormSubmitSuccess()); }); 
like image 170
Petr Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
