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fetch email of a friend in facebook app

How do I fetch the email of my friend programmatically in my facebook application? Does facebook provide this functionality?

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Gaurav Sharma Avatar asked Jul 27 '09 16:07

Gaurav Sharma

People also ask

How can I get someone else's email from Facebook?

The first method is to go directly to their Facebook account, scroll to their profile, and check for their email address under "contact and basic information" in the "About" tab.

Can you see someones email from Facebook?

Find an Email Address in FacebookOnce you are at the profile, click the "About" tab and peruse the information that is visible. Many users include their email address in the public profile, so you may find it right away.

How do I find an email address on Facebook?

You can change, add or remove an email address from your account in your settings. Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Settings. In the Account Settings section, tap Personal Information, then tap Contact Info.

1 Answers

The answer is no, Facebook does not provide this functionality. Facebook tries to protect the privacy of its users, and therefore user email addresses are explicitly not available.

The only way to email a user is to prompt them to grant you extended email permissions via a Facebook prompt. If they grant you the permission, you can then use the notifications.sendEmail API method, or query the user table for the proxied_email field, and send them an email via Facebook's Email Proxy system.

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zombat Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
