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Fetch data from Firebase by joining tables in iOS

I am trying to fetch data from two different Firebase tables. Here is the structure of table:

Post {

          iUrl : ....
          pId : 1
          iUrl :...
          pId : 1
          pId : 2

I need to retrieve images corresponding to post with id = 1. The following is my implementation to retrieve images:

 func retrieveImagesForPost(postId: String,completion: (result: AnyObject?, error: NSError?)->()){
        var imgArray:[Image]=[]
        let postsRef = self.ref.child("post")
        let imagesRef = self.ref.child("image")
        let postImagesRef = postsRef.child(postId).child("pImages");
        postImagesRef.observeEventType(FIRDataEventType.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
            for item in snapshot.children{
                imagesRef.child(item.key).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snap) in
                    let image = Image(snapshot: snap)
            completion(result:imgArray, error:nil)

But, the problem is I am not able to get all images in imgArray to be able to send to completion handler. Below is the output of calling retrieveImagesForPost with post id ==1.

<TestProject.Image: 0x7f9551e82000>
<TestProject.Image: 0x7f955466a150>

The images are retrieved after the completion handler is called. I tried the dispatch groups and the semaphores approach as described in the following post. But the results are still the same. How can I make completion handler to wait for all images to be fetched from Firebase?

like image 545
triandicAnt Avatar asked Jul 10 '16 02:07


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1 Answers

Keep a counter that you increase as each image is loaded. Once the counter reaches the length of the snapshot.children list, you're done and call your completion handler.

let postImagesRef = postsRef.child(postId).child("pImages");
postImagesRef.observeEventType(FIRDataEventType.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
    var counter = 0
    for item in snapshot.children{
        imagesRef.child(item.key).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snap) in
            let image = Image(snapshot: snap)
            counter = counter + 1
            if (counter == snapshot.childrenCount) {
                completion(result:imgArray, error:nil)

You should probably add some error handling in the above, but in general this approach is tried and tested.

like image 196
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10

Frank van Puffelen