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feed dialog vs explicit sharing

What are the pros and cons of using feed dialog vs explicit open graph sharing? They seem to be doing more or less the same thing - posting a news story on the user's timeline, and potentially his friends' news feeds. Feed dialog is more intrusive in the sense that it has a facebook popup window. Aside from that, is there a difference in how facebook displays/prioritizes the two?

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EugeneMi Avatar asked Nov 22 '12 23:11


1 Answers

The main difference is how it fits within your user journey.

Feed dialog does not require the user to have installed your application at all, while the Open Graph solution requires your user to have installed your application and to also have given extended permission, therefore two popup dialogs, with a typical dropoff of around 50%.

Does that answer your question ?

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Jean-Marie Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
