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Fedora 21 terminal based application slow response



I have recently updated to Fedora 21 Beta, and updated all packages. As the final release is scheduled early next month, I don't expect anything big to change. So I think the problem I am facing may well persist into the production release.

The problem is that when using some terminal based applications, the terminal responses very slowly. For example, say I edit a file with Vim in terminal, after a few minutes, it becomes increasingly difficult to use. Every time I hit a keystroke, the cursor will wait like a second to respond. Edit the same file (which is of only a dozen of lines) in GVim, everything works as smoothly as expected. Other terminal based applications shows the same slow response. However, using the terminal itself as an interactive shell has no problem at all.

I understand it is very hard to come by an answer to why it is experiencing this kind of slow response based only on my vague description. However, if anyone can point to where I should look for diagnostics of the problem, some log files etc., it will highly appreciated.

Below are some more details of the system.

The computer is a Dell T3500 workstation with Xeon W3550 CPU, NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU. I am using the latest NVIDIA binary driver (both the long live version 340.58 as well as the beta series 346.16 are tried). The open-source driver was uninstalled and its kernel module were blacklisted (lsmod | grep nouveau shows nothing, as expected). The desktop environment is GNOME Classic.

like image 935
Yan Zhou Avatar asked Nov 19 '14 16:11

Yan Zhou

1 Answers

I believe the issue is with the Nvidia driver configuration. I know this question is old, but I was looking for a solution to the same problem in Fedora 22. I experienced this issue when I was using Fedora 21, but I mostly put up with it.

The solution for me was to uncheck Sync to VBlank in the Nvidia X Server settings.

enter image description here

like image 156
csnate Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
