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FCM token missing

I'm trying to test FCM using Postman, but I always get the following error even the FCM token is there. I got the token in the Cloud Messaging tab: Firebase Cloud Messaging token.

    <TITLE>The request was missing an Authentification Key (FCM Token). Please, refer to section &quot;Authentification&quot; of the FCM documentation, at https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/server.</TITLE>

Here is what I send.

POST /fcm/send HTTP/1.1
Host: fcm.googleapis.com
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 9109eb13-245f-0786-21a5-6207f5426b44

{  "data": {     "message": "This is a Firebase Cloud Messaging Topic Message!",    } }:
like image 317
Kim HJ Avatar asked Nov 29 '16 02:11

Kim HJ

Video Answer

3 Answers

working code for me like this-

POST:- https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send


 Content-Type: application/json


"registration_ids": ["fBclzMXz1UQ:APA91bE268ddn8DNB95LcU2XyhjjOXE-8PJ1nZ8y0yf1-4UuUX0fFNuae9Acj5BLYZwJq72tnNUjcUax9ZvRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...."],
"notification": {
    "title": "Hello",
    "body": "This is test message."
like image 161
GauravInno Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10


This is a sample postman POST request to send notifications to devices by using tokens.

Type: POST
Url: https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send

key: Content-Type,
value: application/json

key: Authorization,
value: key="This is the key in your FCM project console->Settings->Cloud Messaging->Server Key""

    body: "mode": "raw"

     "to": "Token/s received to mobile end",  
     "notification" : {
     "body" : "message",
     "content_available" : true,
     "priority" : "high",
     "title" : "title of the notification"
like image 35
ireshika piyumalie Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10

ireshika piyumalie

After spending some hours I found that in Postman you have to put the following in the Headers.

Key: Content-Type
Value: application/json
Key: Authorization
Value: key=AAAAfnYrKvU:APA91bFwgeM3zuFId6UDzvIHk9qZ3lKHnX-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(Firebase Cloud Messaging token)

Then click Body and select Raw, here you add the json.

        "data": {
            "title": "new messages",
            "score": "5x1",
            "time": "15:10"
        "to": "/topics/alldevices"

I also found that you cannot send to all devices by eliminating the "to": You will have to have your app subscribe to a topic. In my case I made my app subscribed to "alldevices".

Now I can send "to":"/topics/alldevices" and all apps will receive the notification.

like image 20
Kim HJ Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 10:10

Kim HJ