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Favourite Open Source Google App Engine apps (Java or Python) [closed]

People also ask

Is Python used in App Engine?

App Engine offers you a choice between two Python language environments.

Which Google application uses Java?

Google has open-sourced the Java Source code for Google App Engine Standard environment, the production runtime, App Engine APIs, and the local SDK. Initially released in 2008, Google App Engine was designed to make it easy for developers to deploy and scale their web applications.

Is App Engine a open source framework?

Fast forward to today, we're pleased to announce that the Java Runtime for App Engine is now available as open source, in the GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-java-standard repository on Github.

Which type of service is Google App Engine?

App Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale. You can choose from several popular languages, libraries, and frameworks to develop your apps, and then let App Engine take care of provisioning servers and scaling your app instances based on demand.

Rietveld of course

I dearly love my App Engine Console. It is a mini-app, a "plug-in" for other applications. It gives you an AJAX Python interpreter that runs on the server—great for development and debugging. Sometimes I use cURL pointed at App Engine Console to run (authenticated) one-off remote Python procedure calls.

(I wrote it, yes, but I use it daily for maintenance of busy sites. It's the first tool I install on new projects and I don't know how I could live without it.)

UserInfuser, a gamification platform: http://code.google.com/p/userinfuser and https://github.com/nlake44/UserInfuser

It can help you add gamification elements to your website (badges and leaderboards). It uses the Channel API for badge notifications.

Khan Academy. One of App Engine's bigger customers. https://khanacademy.kilnhg.com/Repo/Website/Group/stable/Files

JaikuEngine is probably Google's biggest open source App Engine project.