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Fatal error when using scripts through virtualenv - extra quotes around python.exe

I am very new to Python and recently installed Python 2.7.6 x86 on Windows. I am trying to create an environment via virtualenv. I installed Python, then installed pip and virtualenv globally. I then CD'd to the directory I wanted to create an environment in and ran virtualenv env. Then I activated it with env\scripts\activate. Now, when I try to run any of the scripts through virtualenv (pip, easy_install, etc.) I get the following error:

Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using
'""[dir]\env\Scripts\python.exe"" "[dir]\env\Scripts\pip.exe" --version'

Note the extra quotes around the python exe. It has two sets of quotation marks, not just one set.

I have a feeling that this is a path error. The path is getting set in activate.bat, but looks correct there - set "VIRTUAL_ENV=[dir]\env"

Let me reiterate that scripts work fine globally. I am only seeing this error in virtualenv.

Where is that extra set of quotation marks coming from? How can I get rid of it?

like image 224
Anastasya Lundquist Avatar asked May 07 '14 16:05

Anastasya Lundquist

1 Answers

Same error for me here. Until I tried the following (being inside of my venv) and it worked:

(venv) > python -m pip


(venv) > python -m easy_install
like image 65
ssebastianj Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10
